Ignorance is Bliss (Ep. 19)

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Episode Nineteen -- Ignorance is Bliss

Eight days until Christmas and she feels like the Grinch. More specifically the Grinch with the flu. Crystal having moved out a couple weeks ago into an apartment with a friend she made from work, it is just she, Faith and Sharon and out of the three Mariah is in the best condition which is why she elected to go pick them up a few items from a drugstore.

A red, plastic shopping basket in hand she pauses in the middle of an aisle to check its contents. Cough drops, two bottles of cough syrup (adult and kid version), orange juice, 7up, a box of tissues and a jar of vapor rub since theirs went missing last night. Head feeling full she carefully nods. That should do it. They have plenty of food although none of them have much of an appetite.

Continuing along the aisle Mariah makes a right heading toward the front of the store to check out when her feet come to a halt, fatigued eyes staring down aisle ten. There Tessa stands staring at something on the shelves, bottom lip held between her teeth. Although Tessa has both called and texted her she hasn't responded and although she has seen her a handful of times around town throughout the last few weeks the last time they spoke was during their trip to Las Vegas.

Mariah tells herself to keep moving before Tessa notices she's in the vicinity, however, she is having a difficult time listening. Maybe it's because she's missed her so damn much despite remaining angry with her or maybe it has something to do with the fact that Tessa appears so damn morose.

Hand pulled from her pocket Tessa scrubs it over her face, releases a loud breath then reaches out to grab a small box. Turning it over she squints while reading the back. A few seconds later she looks up and toward the right mouth falling open upon spotting her previous best friend.

"Mariah," she whispers, looking for all the world like someone who had just seen a ghost.

"Hey...Tessa." Her free hand offers a little wave. Deciding to take the plunge Mariah joins her on aisle ten stopping with about four feet between them. "What's up?" Eyes narrow when Tessa immediately tucks the yet to be purchased box behind her back. Mariah is about to inquire what it is when it occurs to her that they're both being dense. Considering Tessa just grabbed it all she has to do is look toward the shelves. When she does her heart plummets into her stomach while anger builds toward her brother, which she realizes is ridiculous because if it turns out to be true he and Tessa are equally responsible. And really? It's none of my business.

"Ah." Mariah nods, the saddest smile flashing upon her lips. "That's what's up."

A sigh expelled Tessa allows the hidden hand to come forward, its fingers clutched around a box containing a pregnancy test. Worry shadowing her features Tessa looks at Mariah. "I'm late," she starts in a soft voice. "I'm never late. Usually like clockwork so I can't believe it. Forgot my birth control pills when we went to Vegas but I've been back on them a few weeks now and as extra precaution Noah has worn condoms."

Grimacing, Mariah holds up a hand. "No offense, but I don't need further proof that you and Noah are actively having sex." Brain obviously choosing to screw with her unwanted images scroll through it prompting her to wish there was such a thing as mental bleach to scrub them away.

"Mariah, it's not like I'm enjoy--"

"Stop!" Not having meant to shout she issues a quiet apology. "Look on the bright side. You're potentially giving Victor Newman his first great grandchild." Based on Tessa's expression she may have preferred being yelled at. Throat cleared, Mariah points a finger in a random direction. "Listen, I should go."

At first Tessa appears like she wants to say something but then nods. "Okay. Take care." She glances toward the basket in her former best friend's hand and for the moment forgets about the box in her own hand. "Are you sick?"

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