On Pins and Needles (Ep. 23)

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Episode Twenty-Three -- On Pins and Needles

"Noah! Noah, let me out of here!" Panic already close to setting in Mariah energetically beats on the underside of the trunk lid, two open palms banging at it. She stops the moment her brother strikes the opposite side.

"Mariah, calm down," he starts in a relaxed voice as though this conversation is taking place over a couple margaritas while lounging on a luxurious beach, "Behaving like that won't help you."

So badly she yearns to tell Noah where he may go, but considering her current situation that might not be the wisest idea. Hands balled into fists she takes several deep breaths. "Is this a joke?"


"Why did you lock me in your trunk?" When half a minute passes by without Noah offering a response the panic intensifies, Mariah's brain filling with colliding thoughts. What if a wild animal had attacked and dragged him off somewhere? What if for whatever reason he intentionally abandoned his car and come daybreak someone would come along and discover her frozen body in its trunk? What if Noah slipped on a patch of ice and was out cold next to the car?

Mariah is on the verge of resuming her banging when relief floods her at the sound of her brother's voice. However, that relief is short-lived as he makes it clear that he doesn't intend to release her. At least not yet. For now he instructs her to locate the walkie talkie, which he threw in after her. Ah, so that must have been the object she felt hit the back of her head after being dumped into the trunk.

Turning in the opposite direction with some effort, her legs remain bent despite the trunk's roominess. Blindly she feels around until her fingers touch something that feels like an antennae. The walkie talkie picked up it fits in the palm of her hand. Just as her thumb finds the button used to talk Noah beats her to it.

"Testing, testing. One, two, three. Mariah, you there? Over."

Her eyes narrow. In this moment she would greatly like to throw him over a cliff. Button pushed she brings the walkie talkie closer to her mouth. "Yes. Noah, what is going on here?" Mariah's heart performs a somersault as the car is started up. So not only has he locked her in the trunk, now he intends to drive with her in the trunk. To where? She's quite certain that peach cobbler they earlier spoke of is not in her immediate future. Hell, for all she knows that diner in Buddington doesn't even exist.

Following a couple somersaults her heart leaps into her throat when the car begins to move. She pushes the button again. "Noah, please tell me why I'm in your trunk."

"Gee, I dunno, sis. You think it could have something to do with your fucking my girlfriend during that trip to Las Vegas? Maybe I'm pissed off about that so I decided to seek my revenge by locking you in the trunk."

Eyes shutting Mariah inwardly swears. Now the weird vibes she felt from him made sense. When breaking up with him Tessa must have come clean concerning their brief affair. Her pulse begins to race as she thinks of Tessa. Where is she? Did--no. Noah wouldn't do something to her. He wouldn't go that far, especially considering her pregnancy. However, telling herself this doesn't make Mariah worry any less. She wants to inquire about Tessa but fears doing so might cause another marble to roll out his head, and it seems Noah has few to spare.

She pushes the button. "She told you?" Upon releasing the button Mariah's greeted with chilling laughter.

"Nope. You just confirmed what I've known for weeks. Kissing her on the neck like you've done it a hundred times before, both of you wet and wearing robes because you just swam, the flirty whipped cream comment, your trying to hide how upset you were that I popped up, you and Tessa suddenly needing to talk as I wait on the couch like a dumbass and then you storm out of the bedroom barely saying goodbye to me before you leave the suite. You played me. You both played me. I'm curious to know--did you have fun doing it?" Another chilling laugh seeps through the speaker. "No pun intended."

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