Pick of the Bunch (Ep. 10)

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Episode Ten -- Pick of the Bunch


Steaming coffee sloshing onto a shirt she just purchased yesterday a growl travels up her throat. There isn't a doubt in her mind Hilary snuck up behind her and shouted her name on purpose and it's on the tip of her tongue to confront her about it, but she decides not to bother. That would inevitably only lead to their thousandth argument.

The mug placed on her desk as Hilary walks to the right of her she looks up into a smiling face taking notice of the mischievous twinkle in those dark eyes. Oh God, she's up to something. Then again she's always up to something. "You think I'm hard of hearing?"

"Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? I guess that'd be easy to do considering the other side of your bed is probably empty."

If she grabbed the nearby stapler and popped Hilary repeatedly over the head with it would Paul Williams arrest her? He didn't arrest she and Tessa for taking Alice hostage in order to get the truth out of her concerning Crystal's whereabouts, but she might not be so lucky this time. Better leave the stapler alone. "What do you want?"

"Well, Miss Cranky Pants, is that any way to treat someone who is about to send you out of town on an assignment with all expenses paid?"

Interest in this conversation multiplying Mariah sits up straighter in her chair. "What?"

"Maybe you are hard of hearing." Hilary chuckles. "How would you like to go to Las Vegas for the weekend?"

She would love to go to Las Vegas for the weekend. Hell, she would accept a plane ticket to the Bermuda Triangle if it meant getting out of this town and putting some distance between she and Tessa. "What would I be doing there? What's the assignment?"

"You know Teriah Champagne?"

Eyes brightening Mariah eagerly nods. She likes--no she adores where she assumes this is headed. "The uber popular soul singer who has been performing in Vegas since early summer? I love her. Have at least two dozen of her songs on my iPod." Gasping, Mariah's right hand presses to her chest. Never in her life would she have thought the day would come when she would want to wrap her arms around Hilary for a hug. However, in this moment she most definitely does. "Oh wow. I'm interviewing Teriah Champagne?" This is a huge deal since the musician isn't one to grant many interviews. Since she obviously said yes to them wouldn't Hilary want to take the lead on this?

"No." She snickers in response to her employee's crestfallen expression. "I wouldn't send you to interview Teriah. That's huge! Only I would get to sit face to face with someone of her stature."

Mariah glances toward the stapler. "Then what am I to do?"

"You're interviewing the person who Teriah personally selected to be her opening act on Saturday night."

"And that person is?"

Hilary's smile broadens. "Tessa."

Shit. Mariah wonders why she's even surprised. "You mean my Te--the Tessa I know?"


"Teriah Champagne asked Tessa to be the opening singer at her concert this coming Saturday?"

"You seem a little slow this morning." Hilary indicates the stains on Mariah's shirt. "Perhaps because you're wearing your coffee instead of having drank it."

She ignores that comment. "Does Tessa know?"



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