Elephant in the Room (Ep. 16)

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Episode Sixteen -- Elephant in the Room

Her bladder is full. In fact, her bladder is close to screaming, but she doesn't currently care because a pair of lips are littering sweet kisses all over her naked back as she rests on her stomach, her face turned away from the person those lips belong. They haven't swapped a solitary word. Mariah just awoke two minutes ago at first disoriented, then within a few seconds remembering what took place between she and Tessa a few hours prior. As a delighted smile curved her lips she felt another pair greeting her lower back.

A breath is sharply pulled in when the sheet is lowered and her left cheek playfully nipped. Still she says nothing. However, her silence comes to an end when a palm connects with the same cheek. Upper body partially raised with elbows braced on either side of her, Mariah turns toward the left regarding her lover with a heaping dose of shock.

"Did you just slap my ass?"

"Yep." Tessa displays just how remorseful she feels for the action by grinning from ear to ear. "Knew you were awake. Just trying to get your attention."

"Uh huh." Mariah smirks. "Couldn't have went with a 'good morning'? First you bite, then you spank. Is your kinky side coming out already?"

"Do you want it to come out?"

Mariah audibly gulps. Studying Tessa's face doesn't help to figure out if she's joking or not since she has perfected the professional poker player look. An image of the musician bending her over a table and repeatedly spanking her with an open palm pops into her head, heat promptly rushing to her facial cheeks. Asked what she's thinking she shakes her head. "Nothing much."

A dark brow rising Tessa reaches out to caress a reddened face. "This blush says you're lying."

"Since when did blushes speak?"

Laughing, Tessa stretches out on her back with her hands linked behind her head. When she looks up at Mariah there is a soft smile on her lips. "Good morning, sweetheart," she whispers.

Mariah stutters a good morning in return. Why the stutter? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the front of Tessa's upper body is completely exposed. Granted she has seen all of it but never in the light of day.

"See something you like?"

"No." Their eyes meeting it's Mariah's turn to smile. "Something I love." Following a two second pause she adds, "I have to pee."

Tessa laughs so hard the bed squeaks. "That reply started so romantic then took a nosedive!"

"Sorry about that, baby." Dimples making themselves known Mariah grins at her. "Be right back." Covers pushed off she jumps to her feet and upon rounding the bed discovers Tessa's dress shirt on the floor. Giving it a second worth of thought she snatches the shirt and slides into it while walking out the room. She doesn't feel self conscious around Tessa. Quite the opposite in fact. Mariah just loves the idea of slipping on something that her lover recently wore and as a bonus it smells like Tessa.

When she returns with an empty bladder, minty mouth, scrubbed face and crimson locks given a quick brush through she finds Tessa in the same position. Deciding to take advantage Mariah sprints toward the bed and pounces on her. Naked bottom pressed against Tessa's thighs she leans over her, hands on either side of the recumbent woman's head. Hair falling around them Mariah playfully kisses the end of her nose.

"I caught you," she whispers.

Tessa flashes a smile. "Wasn't attempting to flee so I wouldn't claim this as a victory if I were you."

"Oh, I dunno." Mariah thoughtfully looks down at her. "Technically, I've wanted you since the beginning of summer, recently made it clear how I felt and now I'm sitting atop you in your bed with you in all your naked glory and me wearing your shirt." Eyes twinkling she aims for Tessa's mouth this time. "Think that might fall into the category of catching you."

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