It Takes Two to Tango (Ep. 7)

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Episode Seven -- It Takes Two to Tango

Once the martinis have finally been made and served insults and threats cease to exist. Of course it's on everyone's mind that considering this group one or both could be hurled at any moment. Except for Lily and Abby quietly discussing fashion they're quiet with Chelsea and Hilary nursing martinis at separate booths and Mariah and Tessa playing checkers at a table for two.

It's been twenty-six minutes since Hilary threatened to place a broom in a very uncomfortable part of Tessa's anatomy, she's just drained her glass and she's bored as hell. Glancing around the bar she rolls her eyes. Of all people in Genoa City she just had to be trapped for the night with this sanctimonious bunch. A small part of her wanted to take its chances with the storm. "This is boring." She looks across the room toward the fake bartenders. "What is there to do besides drink?"

She and Abby remaining seated at the bar Lily swivels around on the barstool regarding Hilary with a plastic smile. "We could play Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Would you volunteer to be the donkey? I'm sure you'd be a perfect ass."

A smirk on her lips Hilary deliberately uses her middle finger to scratch her chin. Although Lily understands what is meant by that she keeps smiling. "I take it that's a no?"

Choosing to ignore her Hilary refocuses on Mariah and Tessa. "It may be a little high school but you two up for some Truth or Dare?"



The host of The Hilary Hour laughs while Mariah gazes toward her best friend with a look that obviously reads did you seriously just agree to play Truth or Dare with her to which Tessa obviously replies why not? Their non verbal conversation continues until Mariah issues a loud sigh and capitulates. Abby is eager to play, Lily surprisingly although a bit hesitantly agrees and Chelsea gives her consent with a shrug.

Two tables pushed together, two chairs on either side and one at each end they take their seats, everyone bringing a beverage along. Mariah and Tessa are seated on one side with Abby and Lily across from them. To Lily's right is Chelsea on one end and Hilary occupies the chair at the other end. It seems Hilary has declared herself the leader since she says that she will get the ball rolling.

One of those mischievous smiles everyone in that room has been witness to before appearing she leans forward, hands clasped upon the table, eyes scanning the other five until stopping on Chelsea. "Truth or dare?"

Expression unreadable Chelsea takes a sip and quietly answers, "Truth."

"Why so mopey tonight, Chelsea? What's wrong?" That smile seems to widen. "Nick donating five-hundred million dollars finally starting to get to you?"

Chelsea smirks. "No. I support him five-hundred percent."

"Not five-hundred million percent?"

Chelsea looks ready to throw what is left of her martini--or a punch to Hilary's face. However, she does neither. "Truth? I'm up--I'm here having a drink because...he asked me to marry him." Initially she's staring toward the table but following nearly ten seconds worth of silence she looks up, five sets of eyes on her. All look befuddled, a couple glancing toward her naked left ring finger.

The self appointed Truth or Dare leader decides to speak. "I take it you said no. Why?"

Chelsea shakes her head, wagging a finger at Hilary. "Nope. That's more than one question. I'm done."

Abby, the second nosiest person in that group parts her lips. "Wait. Chelsea, don't you think you left something out of your truth answer? Why are you upset my brother asked you to marry him?" A hand flies to her mouth as she gasps. "Are you pregnant? Do you think he only asked you because you're pregnant and that made you mad?"

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