A Tough Egg to Crack (Ep. 13)

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Episode Thirteen -- A Tough Egg to Crack

An eighteen-wheeler slammed into her. An elephant decided to tap dance on her head. Some crazy person with a Louisville Slugger used her as a baseball. At least that is how Tessa feels upon awakening Saturday morning. Repeatedly groaning, she sits up in slow motion, hands on either side of her face. Thinking this the king of all hangovers she feels like she could be dying. Part of her wishes she would.

"Oh God." She groans again. "No more alcohol. Ever." Once those words leave her mouth Tessa notices the condition of it. Her tongue feels thick, all areas around it extremely dry and she has a sneaking suspicion her mouth is in desperate need of toothpaste.

Fingertips beginning to rub her temples in gentle circular motions Tessa stops the second she remembers what almost occurred before she fell asleep. She came close, too close to kissing Mariah. She would slap herself in response to the foolish attempt but figures she is already suffering enough.

The other side of the bed empty she reaches over placing a palm flat against the pillow finding it cool to the touch. Even if Mariah did sleep beside her she hadn't just left the bed. Was she in the shower? In her own room? Had she gathered her things and hurried to catch the next flight to Wisconsin after deciding she'd had enough of Tessa's peculiar behavior?

Only one way to find out.

Covers pushed back, she stands up trying to ignore sudden wooziness. Once it passes she takes a couple steps before realizing her bladder won't be ignored. Making a pit stop at the bathroom to empty it, wash her face and brush her teeth Tessa carries on to the living room where she discovers Mariah seated on the couch, a tray laden with breakfast items on the coffee table in front of her.

A mug of coffee in her hand Mariah raises it in greeting to her weekend roommate. "Good morning, Tessa." She indicates the food. "Perfect timing. Room service delivered this about ten minutes ago. Hungry?"

Tessa tries not to look repulsed by the food. In this moment she doesn't foresee herself ever again having an appetite. "No thank you," she states in a quiet voice, afraid it might hurt to communicate in her normal volume.

"How do you feel?"

Tessa winces. Is it her imagination or is Mariah speaking louder than usual? "Honestly?"

"Not a lover of lies so yeah." Mug brought to her lips Mariah takes a sip. Even that sounds loud.

"Like shit warmed over."

"Aw, poor baby." Despite the sympathetic words the corners of her mouth are curved upward as though Mariah might present a broad grin at any second. "Hey, speaking of things that are warm," a fork grabbed she uses long prongs to stab at a sunny-side up egg which causes its center to break, "you should really eat some of this. Look how all that yummy yolk spreads across the plate. Golden yellow and perfectly thick..."

Face paling, Tessa clutches a queasy stomach. "Oh God." Bolting from the room so fast she almost collides with a wall, she makes it to the toilet, pushing its lid up just in time.

Minutes later Tessa returns with a refreshed mouth and a less queasy stomach. Mariah is missing from the couch and thankfully so is the tray. Her name called she looks toward the kitchenette.

"Have something for you to drink. Come here." A blender removed from its base Mariah begins to pour pea green liquid into a transparent cup.

Tessa hesitantly moves toward the kitchenette. "What is that? Poison?"

A low chuckle emitted, Mariah shakes her head. "If I wanted to kill you my weapon of choice wouldn't be to slip a dangerous substance into your beverage."

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