Let Heart Rule Head (Ep. 14)

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Episode Fourteen -- Let Heart Rule Head

A blindfolded individual could tell Tessa was on cloud nine when she and Mariah settled down in the suite's living room to do her interview. The Teriah Champagne concert had been a success starting with Tessa kicking off the night, the audience gracing the new musician with a standing ovation once her set completed. Watching from backstage Mariah proudly grinned, having to catch her excited friend when she headed off the stage and leapt into her arms.

After enjoying Teriah's concert they hung out with the soul singer and her entourage chitchatting and taking pictures before being invited out to dinner, which turned into such a long, amazing affair Mariah and Tessa didn't return to their hotel until nearly one in the morning. Though neither felt tired since it was late Mariah suggested they conduct the interview after daybreak, but Tessa pumped full of energy was ready and willing to do it right then.

Showered, fresh makeup applied and outfits selected, Tessa wears skinny black jeans, a stark white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just below her elbows and a solid red tie, which brings out the Sinfully Scarlet painted upon her lips. Mariah is dressed in a just above the knee black skirt paired with a short-sleeve royal blue knit sweater.

Hilary imagined the interview taking place in front of a roaring fireplace and although the suite did have a fireplace installed it was electric. However, with the flip of a switch it was capable of crackling like a wood burning fireplace so Mariah hoped the camera she set up per Jonathan's instructions would catch the sounds.

A chair on either side of the fireplace, Mariah sits to the left of the camera attached to a tripod. One leg crossed over the other, she sends her interviewee a smile, which is quickly returned. "Hello, Tessa. How are you this eve--" Mariah chuckles, glancing toward a nearby clock. "I mean how are you this early morning since it's now 1:47 AM?"

"I'm great! Feel like I just drained a couple cans of Red Bull."

Mariah chuckles again. "Did you? You do seem a little...hyper."

A smile attached to her lips Tessa shakes her head. "Just feeling up and amazing after that concert."

"As you should. You were amazing tonight and I'm not just saying that because we're friends." Her smile so soft Mariah has to mentally instruct herself not to reach over to touch some part of Tessa. Her new vow? To keep her hands and her lips to herself. "I couldn't be prouder."

"Oh, Mariah...thank you," Tessa whispers, feeling heat rising to her face. Forcing herself not to look away she adds, "That means a lot to me."


Though editing will be necessary once they return to Genoa City, both feel the interview is a success following its completion nearly thirty minutes later. Turning the camera off, Mariah lifts it from the tripod and begins to carefully tuck it into its case. Once secure and zipped she looks toward Tessa who remains seated by the fireplace.

"Guess that covers it." A smile flashes. "We have a late afternoon flight home so we can sleep in."

"That's good."

"Don't know about you but I'll probably catch a few zzz's while up in the skies."

Staring toward the twiddling thumbs upon her lap Tessa nods. "Yeah, me too." When her name is uttered she looks toward her standing friend. "Yes?"

"Are you okay? Need another Red Bull?"

Tessa laughs though it's obvious she isn't genuinely amused. "Maybe later. I'm fine, Mariah. Just winding down I guess."

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