Pull the Plug (Ep. 21)

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Since I posted a picture of Camryn the last episode figured it was only fair I add one of the lovely Cait Fairbanks in this one ;-)

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Since I posted a picture of Camryn the last episode figured it was only fair I add one of the lovely Cait Fairbanks in this one ;-)

Episode Twenty-One -- Pull the Plug

Ho, ho, freaking ho. This perfectly describes Mariah's mood as she sits at the dining room table on Christmas Eve, Sharon on her right at one end of the table and Chelsea seated on her left. This sucks. She detests feeling like the Grinch again. Detests that she'd rather pull off and toss the santa hat Faith encouraged her to wear and run upstairs to hide in her bedroom instead of interacting with friends and family.

This? This is not a good feeling. Mariah doesn't want to be in a bitchy mood, but she just can't help it. Of course the fact that her brother is seated across from her with Tessa on his right side is the main reason.

Ever since they arrived the better part of an hour ago they've constantly been at each other's side, Noah reaching out to clutch her hand, stroke her hair, rub her back or kiss her lips. Mariah yearned to smack him. She didn't have any right or just cause to, but that didn't prevent her from imagining going through with it. This made her feel better. For two seconds.

Tessa's sister Crystal also invited to the Christmas Eve meal she sits next to Tessa and across from Nick. Connor and Christian, Nick and Chelsea's respective sons have their own little table while Faith is the youngest at the "big people" table seated at the end like her mom.

After Sharon leads grace they're about to tuck into the food until Noah picks up a fork, clinking it against a glass of wine. Everyone's attention gained he smiles like he's practicing for a toothpaste commercial audition and claims he has an announcement to make.

Apparently Tessa knows what he's about to say because she reaches for his arm, leans close and whispers in his ear. Patting the hand atop his forearm Noah murmurs something about now being the perfect time and stands before she can respond.

"As you all know Tessa and I live together and are happy and so in love. Last week she offered me an early Christmas present and I must say though I've had some great ones throughout the years Tessa's is by far the best." An already large smile manages to intensify. A deep dramatic breath taken Noah adds, "We're pregnant. Tessa's having my baby!"

Nick, Chelsea and Crystal are the first ones to offer near simultaneous congratulations with Nick and Crystal getting up to embrace son and sister. Sharon appears conflicted as her eyes shift between her son and daughter. Though she is happy for Noah at the same time her heart breaks for Mariah and being her mother she can tell the smile upon her daughter's face is a facade. First squeezing Mariah's knee underneath the table Sharon offers her own congratulations to the expecting couple and scoots her chair back to stand and hug them.

Though she hasn't left her chair Faith appears ready to leap through the ceiling and onto the roof. Face aglow she announces how happy she is for her big brother and his girlfriend then turns her attention to Mariah. "Isn't this great, Mariah? We're gonna be aunties!" Delighted expression abruptly fading her brow knits with concern as she continues looking toward her sister. Nick asking her if anything is wrong Faith blinks then pushes a smile to her lips while shaking her head. "The baby will be here next Christmas. Just thinking about what to give him or her for a present."

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