When In Rome... (Ep. 12)

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Episode Twelve -- When In Rome...

Seated at the booth nursing a beer since she decided not to do any more tequila shots after Tessa showed up because one of them should be at least somewhat lucid, she watches her and one of Brittany's friends dancing. Limbs flying all over to the fast-paced song playing through the speaker system they're easy to keep track of, both wearing half a dozen rainbow colored glow necklaces.

A groan swallowed a mouthful of chilled beer follows it. To say Mariah is annoyed would be an understatement. This was so not the way her evening was supposed to go. Tessa was supposed to be at a magic show while she threw caution to the wind by finding some hot woman to get freaky with on this Friday night in sin city. But no...instead she's been relegated to a slightly intoxicated wallflower while her best friend looks like she is on the verge of getting freaky.

As Victor Newman would say ain't gonna happen. The half full beer bottle slammed down on the table Mariah rises, her face filled with determination. Just as she takes a step Brittany appears in front of her, a broad smile showing.

"You look way too serious for a nightclub, Mar." She offers a hand, fingers wiggling. "Whatever it is let it go and come dance with me."

Although that hand is tempting Mariah shakes her head. "I should get her home."


"Tessa. When she arrived she was already tipsy. The shots didn't help matters."

Brittany chuckles. "Last I saw her she was having a very good time. You should be doing the same. You gonna make me beg?" Leaning in, her upper body makes contact with Mariah's while she whispers in her ear, "If so, I'm prepared to get down on my knees to do it."

A titillating image popping into her head Mariah does her best to erase it and ignore the little voice named libido encouraging her to follow Brittany anywhere she wanted to go. "Tempting but..."

Brittany feigns a pout by sticking out her bottom lip. "But Tessa comes first?"

Interesting way to put it. Mariah has to work much harder to erase another image, this one involving her friend. "I suppose. Should get her back to the hotel before she does something stupid."

"Mm." Brittany turns and thoughtfully gazes toward she and Mariah's dancing friends. "Yeah, I love Cindy, but she definitely isn't the brightest bulb in the box." A grin surfacing she nudges Mariah. "Haven't known you long, but can tell you're a smart cookie, Mar, so better Tessa does you."

"Oh God." Despite rolling her eyes Mariah can't help but to laugh her keno buddy quickly joining in.



During the cab ride back to the hotel neither woman spoke yet Tessa insisted on holding her hand while humming a tune unfamiliar to Mariah. She wondered if it might be a new song her friend was working on and thought about inquiring, but swiftly decided against doing so. She wasn't in the mood to talk. The plan was to put Tessa in bed, indulge in a bubble bath, then put herself to bed in the room across from Tessa's.

That plan shifts seconds after they enter the suite when Tessa makes a beeline for the bar area, opens the mini fridge and selects a tiny bottle of liquor. Grinning from ear to ear she shows Mariah the bottle. "Fits in my hand. Isn't it cute?"

"Positively adorable," Mariah replies in a voice which couldn't sound any drier.

Tessa is too drunk to notice, grin persisting. She wiggles the bottle. "Want something to wet your mouth with?"

Walking toward her Mariah plucks the bottle from her hand and puts it back in the mini fridge. "Think we've had enough alcohol tonight. If you're thirsty drink some water." She nods in the direction of the kitchenette. "Want me to get you a bottled water?"

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