Beating Around the Bush (Ep. 5)

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Episode Five -- Beating Around the Bush

The first to rise and doing so with an enormous headache, Mariah delays a hot shower by heading downstairs to start the coffeemaker. While it percolates she removes a couple Tylenol from her sweatpants pocket downing them with a few swigs of bottled water. Glancing toward the cereal boxes positioned atop the refrigerator she contemplates pouring a bowl then shakes her throbbing head. She isn't hungry and her lack of appetite isn't solely due to the headache. Of course, Tessa, her best friend, her obsession, the person who had taken ownership of her heart whether she wanted it or not, is the main reason why.

Ever since their almost kiss, which took place a week ago today their relationship had been strained. No hugs, no hand holding, no mildly flirtatious behavior. They spoke, yet their conversations were strained. The kind of conversations where each person was aware the other deep down had something to say but both refrained from doing so. Instead they just kept pretending which only caused the strain to widen.

Mariah supposed Tessa wished to shove the almost kiss in that same vault she reluctantly agreed to place their definite kiss in San Francisco. Mariah disliked that vault. No. She loathed the hell out of it. In fact, she would like to get her hands on some dynamite in order to blow it to smithereens.

Feeling incredibly cranky as a growl rumbles up her throat Mariah heads toward the coffeemaker after it alerts that the brewing process has finished. A mug filled she adds generous amounts of sweetener and cream and settles at the kitchen table. Palms wrapped around the mug she stares toward the table while lost in thought. What thought? Of course one Tessa Porter. God, what spell had that woman weaved over her?

A third swallow has raced down Mariah's throat when she hears someone at the front door. Everyone who resided under that roof was upstairs so who could that be? Obviously, they had a key. She is just about to rise to go investigate when to her surprise Tessa walks into the kitchen. It isn't a surprise that she enters. No, what's surprising is that she's wearing the same outfit she had on yesterday, which made Mariah feel even more obsessed. She recalled every bit of Tessa's clothing from her choice of top down to her shoes, yet right off couldn't remember what outfit she herself had worn the day prior.

"Hey." She removed one hand from the mug and waved.

Although donning the faintly alarmed expression of someone who yearns to turn around and bolt Tessa stays put and returns that wave. "Good morning." She indicates the mug. "Having a cup of joe?"

"Yes, I am, Captain Obvious."

A smile tugs at Tessa's lips. "Mind if I join you, Miss Smartass?"

Leg rising underneath the table Mariah uses a slipper covered foot to push back the chair opposite hers. "Be my guest." She wants to comment on the repeat outfit and is shocked she manages to keep her mouth shut regarding it until Tessa fixes a cup of coffee and settles across from her. " I becoming senile or were you wearing that yesterday?"

Captain Obvious is obviously nervous about something. Biting a lip devoid of lipstick she reluctantly nods. "It is," she responds in a quieter tone.

Tessa isn't the only one who's nervous. Part of Mariah doesn't want to know, yet she can't prevent herself from seeking details. "Were you up all night? Or did you sleep somewhere else?" Mariah wonders about the guilt flashing across that pretty face, but then discovers herself distracted by her friend's next words.

"I slept with--at Noah's place."

"Ah." No longer craving it Mariah pushes the mug away. "You slept with Noah at his apartment?" Is it any of her business? No, but if Tessa is willing to share she is willing to listen despite being positive the answer would rip her heart to shreds.

Tessa cannot even look at her when she whispers, "Yes."

"Ah." Her throat feels thick like she ate a spoonful of cereal without the milk. She hates that she feels jealous of her little brother because he had sex with his girlfriend. Where did she get off being upset? Tessa didn't belong to her. She and Noah were building something and falling for one another day by day. Mariah should have been happy for them and sincerely wished that she could, but couldn't help it. Day by day she was falling for Tessa too.

"Was it...the first time you two..." Why the hell am I torturing myself? She feels nauseous.

Tessa nods. "It was."

A fake smile settles into place. "That's great, Tessa. I'm happy for you. And Noah." She feels like she might burst into tears any second.

Her friend fails to smile back. Untouched coffee moved toward Mariah's mug she reaches across the table, fingers barely touching the other woman's hands when she pulls them away. "Mariah, I--"

Glistening eyes glance at the microwave clock. "I have to go. See you later." Another fake smile offered Mariah stands up and rushes from the kitchen just as a couple tears escape.

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