Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Ep. 4)

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Episode Four -- Actions Speak Louder Than Words

When she finally fell asleep after listening to Tessa's deep, even breathing for the better part of an hour her friend had still been using her as a body pillow. Upon awakening with bits of sun peering through closed blinds she discovers their positions have drastically changed. Mariah is on her left side with Tessa tucked so tightly behind their skin could have melded. Soft breath landing on the nape of her neck and soft breasts pressed to her back cause goosebumps and those pesky butterflies are also awake due to a hand underneath her shirt stroking her stomach, the tip of a finger occasionally dipping into her navel.

Oh God. Mariah uses the pillow to smother a groan. This is simultaneous awful and sweet torture.

She can tell by her breathing that Tessa remains asleep while her index finger is busy tracing a circle around Mariah's navel. She has to do something. She has to get out of this bed before...well, she isn't sure what might follow before. She just knows this is a dangerous situation and if Crystal or Sharon were to suddenly open that door their brows would surely raise in response to the spooning pair.

Mariah successfully moves three inches when Tessa mumbles something and shifts three inches toward her, mouth touching where many breaths had fallen. Arm wrapped around her and hand splayed on her stomach Tessa's slumber continues. So much for leaving. At least without her bedmate being aware of it.

A sigh produced Mariah notices her heart rate has increased as almost in slow motion she shifts onto her back. Looking to her right she gets to appreciate her friend's beautiful face without feeling like she's staring so long Tessa will spot the longing. She yearns to trace those lips much like Tessa traced her navel, but talks herself out of it. What if Tessa were to awaken? She couldn't very well pretend she was unconscious while doing so. However, her fingers itch to touch her. Somewhere...

Their San Francisco kiss playing for the first time today within her head, Mariah shakily raises a hand, seconds later making contact with a delicate cheek. Although her heart feels ready to pump out her chest she continues caressing that cheek, keeping her touch light while watching long lashes flutter.

She imagines this is just a typical Sunday morning, the two of them lazing in bed a bit longer before they arise to attend to their three small children. After washing up and teeth are brushed everyone migrates to the kitchen where they put on the radio and proceed to prepare a breakfast feast, the kids jumping up and down in excitement when a hit song Mommy Tessa recorded begins to play. Once everyone is full of pancakes they dress and head off for some adventure, perhaps going to the zoo, an amusement park or the mall where at some point the kids would each get to pick out a toy to bring home.

That night the kids would be fed, bathed and put to bed with either a bedtime story or Mommy Tessa serenading with her trusty guitar. Afterward, she and Mama Mariah would spend some quality time together, perhaps snuggling on the couch to watch a movie, taking a dual bubble bath complete with romantic music, candles and wine or retire to their bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes along the floor and collapsing onto the bed to make tender love into the wee hours of the morning.

Hm, she supposes if they aren't too tired after their family fun-packed Sunday she and her wife could achieve all three. It's as her imaginings wind down she sees that Tessa is looking straight at her with an unreadable expression. Shit, how long has she been awake? The fact she hasn't leaped from the bed is a positive sign right? It pointed to her not being freaked out by their positions or by the hand that remained on her cheek.

Mariah is about to remove her hand when Tessa covers it with her own. A tingle shoots deep into her belly as the same fingers that had been underneath her shirt brush back and forth over her fingers. Tessa's lips part yet not a single word is vocalized. Suddenly struck with a bolt of audaciousness fingers take a gentle stroll along that cheek to those lips.

At any moment her heart should escape her chest and soar onto the floor. Tessa should have heard it pounding. Or maybe she is too distracted by the padding of Mariah's thumb manipulating her bottom lip or her own hand, which has decided to massage Mariah's hip.

This is it. It's about to happen again. The song Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran pops into her head as Tessa moves closer to her. Mouths less than an inch apart, their eyes shut, hearts pounding in synchronicity. Then...

The door flies open causing them to hurriedly separate, hearts starting to pound for a different reason. Three additional people live in that house and two of them being adults they learned long ago to knock. Ten year old Faith on the other hand is obviously still getting the hang of it.

Stopping just inside the door, the pajama clad young girl curiously looks between her big sister and her big sister's best friend. They stare back, Mariah sitting up in the bed while Tessa stands next to it hopping from one foot to the other. Mariah glances toward her thinking she's either nervous or has a full bladder that made itself known the moment her feet hit the floor.

"Mariah, I was looking for you."

Attempting to appear calm the redhead smiles. "Good job, kid. You found me." She winks, her sister smirking in response.

"What're you doing in here?"

She points toward Tessa. "Tessa had a bad dream so I kept her company."

"Oh." Faith nods in understanding then looks toward the bouncing woman. "Are you okay now?"

Tessa copies Mariah's smile. "I am, sweetie. Your sister took very good care of me." Excusing herself to use the bathroom, she quickly walks around the bed and out her room, patting Faith's shoulder when she walks by her.

Jumping onto the bed, Faith faces Mariah, legs folded underneath her. "Thought we could make everybody Sunday breakfast. Scared when I found your bed empty this early."

It wasn't exactly her three small children fantasy but it would do for now. Finger lightly tapping a little nose Mariah smiles anew. "That's a great idea. I'm sorry I worried you, Faith."

She waves a dismissive hand. "It's okay." Light eyes spend a few seconds examining the other side of the bed. "What were you and Tessa doing when I opened her door?"

Shit. So she did notice. "We just woke up and we were talking."

"That close?"

"Yes. Not wanting to disturb anyone we whispered, which meant we had to move closer to hear each other." She nods but Mariah isn't certain she buys that explanation.

"You like her."

"I do. Tessa's a great person."

"No." Faith shakes her head with much enthusiasm. "I mean you like her. Like her like Noah likes her." She examines Mariah as thoroughly as she had the bed. "Maybe more."

"What?" Mariah endeavors to laugh off her sister's words, but it sounds fake to her own ears. "She's a girl, silly."

Though seriousness covers her face Faith rolls her eyes. "Some girls like girls...silly." She rubs Mariah's knee through the sheet. "Meet you in the kitchen." And like the energetic little ball she is she scampers from the room.

Head connecting with the pillow Mariah isn't sure whether to laugh, cry or scream. Some girls like girls. Ain't that the truth? Another song, this one by Hayley Kiyoko pops into her head. Titled Girls Like Girls it certainly is fitting.

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