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Classes end. I feel freedom. But I remind myself that I have a job later on. While I'm walking onto the corridor I saw Jungkook running to me. "Y/N, where are you going? Since the school is end?" He asked me. " I have a part-time job near at your building." I replied simply because I'm tired. " Ouh., I can walk you there, uhmm, can I ?" He asked me shyly. " Are you sure?" I ask. " Well, yeah. And also I will be going straight to our building to meet my hyungs." He replied cheerfully, but me I'm kind of tired. " Uh.., Okay." I say to him as we exit the school. " Jungkook." I speak up. " Hmm?" " Why didn't you tell me that your a artist. Sorry if I don't know it's just that I'm not update much." I lowered my head while we were walking down the road. And I heard him chuckles. So I look up to him. " Well, your not asking me then why would I tell you." I playfully slap his shoulders. " Aishh this kid." and I remember that Jimin is one of the members. " I almost forgot to ask you Jungkook. Is Jimin is one of the BTS member?" He look at me. " Yeah. Why? Have you met him?" He asked me curiously. "Actually yeah. Just last night. And he also took me home last night." He look at me again with a shock look. "Re..really?! Ohh, is that why he let us go first.?" He thinks while asking me. "Y..yeah." I shyly Replied. " I'm going to tease him later." He suddenly giggle. " Well here we are, thank you for the walk Jungkook. " I smile to him. " Nah, no problem, and yeah goodluck to your work." He smile back to me while getting his mask and cap for him not to be recognize. and we give a goodbye waves to each others.


This will be more tiring. There are many costumers, and I feel like a little dizzy. But I'll try my best not to stress myself. When the bell rings people starts to look at the man who just came in. And some are I think fangirling? " How may I help you sir." I asked him. I asked him for what he wants to order. " One iced latte." He simply replied. "Right away sir." he pays for his order and sit at the corner where no people around. I think he is one of a band members. I quickly make his iced latte while Kai takes the counter. When I'm done making his iced latte. I go to him and give it. I bowed to him but before that I felt a hand on my wrist. And my heart begins to beat fast like crazy. " Are you Y/N?" Omo.., how does he know me? "Uh.., y..yeah? I'm sorry but who are you? I know that you maybe one of the BTS MEMBER uhh am I right? orrrr, no?" I asked him not sure. And he stands up. "Y/N don't you remember me?" he ask with a big eyes. I'm a bit dizzy and suddenly all I can is black.


I go to the cafeteria for a drink and not just that I know want to make sure of the girl. I know that it is Y/N. When I entered the cafeteria there are so many costumers, and there are many girls that who stans me so much. But I didn't care. As I ordered I examined her face, her voice, especially her eyes, because I remember that her eyes were light brown with black in it. After I order a drink, I took a table that is far away to the crowd. What if that is really her? Would she forgive me? Because I didn't kept my promise to her when we where young. A minute pass here she goes. she bowed and before she go I grabbed her wrist. She looks nervous, she looks tired and pale, and I'm starting to worried about her. " Are you Y/N?" I asked her and I'm a bit nervouse. "Uh.., y..yeah? I'm sorry but who are you? I know that you maybe one of the BTS MEMBER uhh am I right? orrrr, no?" She looks unsure and she looks like dizzy. And now she starts to faint. Aishh this is my fault for shaking her. And when I feel her forehead she has fever so I call an ambulance and their other staff that she fainted. When the ambulance came one of their staff told me that they called her mom. And I just nodded. And I also come to the hospital not having a care that fans were taking pictures. I know that PD nim will see it, and I can explain to him so no worries. When we where in the hospital. "Sir. Sorry but you need to wait here." I have no choice but wait. And I think about what their staff told me.

"Sir, we just called her mom. And I told her that she will be in the hospital."

She has a mother? So she's adopted too. But when. And why does Y/N can't remember me? What happened from the past years? So many thoughts coming to my mind.

I hear a woman running while crying with a little girl and a man. I think it's Y/N's family. "Uhh.. Excuse me ma'am? Is Y/N is your daughter? " I asked the woman. " Ye..ah? Who are?" She asked me with a worried expression. "I'm Kim Taehyung." And she looks shock. "Y/N's ch...childho..od best friend?!?" And I nodded like not knowing what happened to her these past years. Before I ask her mom I made her calm first. " Uhm, Ma'am may I ask what happened to Y/N these past years? Why can't she remember me?" and she starts to tear up again. Aigooo what to do. " She has an amnesia she can't only remember you. she was put into the accident in front of their school. Because she was trying to save the life of the little kid." His dad spoke up. And I'm kind of shock and sad cause yeah she forgot me how about are memories, our fun times, this is all my fault. " Did you know that our daughter always shares a stories about you and her childhood memories. She always miss you. And she always cries because of you. She is always wishing that someday you will call her and visit her. But you didn't come. And now when I ask her about you she couldn't remember neither one of your memories with her. But I hope her memories will be back. I'm sorry Taehyung." Her mother open up to me. Now it's really my fault. When the doctor comes out of the door we quickly stood up and the doctor said that Y/N is fine we can visit her now, but I let her family go first.

- Awe.., what a sad chapter. Now that they meet but Y/N can't remember Taehyung. Will Taehyung can help Y/N remember everything? That's for the update today. So far I reached 1238 words woah DAEBAK hahaha. I improve HAHAHA lol just kidding .Thank you for supporting and reading this book. Don't forget to vote you guys. Saranghaeyo chingus <3 :* -

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