Weaponry and Feelings

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Over the next couple neviks, the galephras learned how to use tridents and swords. Fyrca ended up choosing a fire sword as her weapon, naming it Kira. It was a solid flame when in air and an obsidian sword underwater. Shesa, like the ones she watched over, chose a golden trident that was named Aquost. Mesan chose a stone katana, which he named Martero. He also was the one to invent blacksmithing. Aruki chose sharrukin which she controlled with her air abilities. She could also create them with air and called them Aresharn. Theon couldn't decide on a weapon at first, but chose a wand he could call with his mind. He ended up naming it Thomin.

Another thing that happened is that Shesa figured out how to create life without needing any help. The girl was named Murana. She had purple skin and green eyes. Unlike the other galephras, she had smooth skin. Her favorite pass time was archery with her specialized bow. The bow was made out of rope made from carefully woven kalro that had been covered in warm mud. Once the mud was turned to stone, it was strong but flexible.

Since they grew, none of the galephras had tails anymore. They were just plain galephras then. Undergarments were made and they continued to live on. One deckro, Shesa made a boy like Murana, and was able to make him about the other girl's age. His name was Mercan, and he had orange skin. He had matching eyes to Murana. Swani and Kichi were the first to meet him, and they insisted he meet the other unscaled galephra.

"Come on." Swani said. "She'll like you."

"I don't know." Mercan responded, nervous. "But I guess I have to meet her at some point."

"So you'll meet her?" Kichi asked.

"As long as you two are with me, yes." The unscaled galephra nodded, and then had his arms grabbed as the two galephra dragged him through the water. On the way, Mercan asked about their relationship.

"So...If we all are created by Shesa, does it mean that we all are siblings?" He asked. "I mean, because if we are supposed to help create the race move on, that would be weird if we were."

"Huh. I never thought about that." Swani said. "But I don't think so. I was made separate of Kichi. Unlike you and Merana, we weren't made by Shesa."

"Or at least not alone." Kichi corrected. "Mesan made our bodies..."

"You trailed off." Swani said after a while. "What's up?"

"For some reason, that just sounded wrong." The other two thought for a moment and agreed. "But point is, Mesan and Aruki helped create us, along with Fyrca. And you aren't exactly the same as Merana. But, question: what got you to think of that. It's pretty random."

"It is, isn't it." Mercan replied, laughing. "But I just was thinking about how you to look alike and are very close and how if we are supposed to extend the chra."

"We are pretty close." Swani said, blushing a bit.

"And we do like each other." Kichi said, before blushing and hurriedly explaining. "As a friend, as friends, we have a gaship relationship."

"Right." Mercan rolled his eyes. "You totally don't have a onsiship."

"Hey, we are at Murana's training area." Swani said, relieved to change the subject. The three galephras swam down to the archery area. Murana was skillfully shooting the targets with accuracy. Mercan stepped forward to introduce himself.

"Hello, my name is-" Murana swiveled over to him, about to shoot him. Her eyes went wide, and she aimed a few inches to the right of him. She gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry." She blushed and held out a hand."I tend to block out everything else during practice. I'm Murana."

"I know, they told me." Mercan explained while he shook the extended hand. "I'm Mercan, the other unscaled galephra."

"Ah. I see." Murana walked over. "Have you tried kalro yet, or have you yet to eat your first dinner?"

"He has yet to try it." Kichi said, before Mercan could answer.

"Kalro is what we eat so we can live." Swani explained to Mercan. "None of the gians need to consume it however."

"How come?"

"No idea. We just do." Murana replied, shrugging. "And they don't. Theon told us to do it, and Shesa wants us too."

"But it tastes great." Swani said. "You'll need to try it."

"I'll take him!" Kichi offered, taking Mercan's arm and dragging him away. Swani smiled and shook her head. Murana looked at her expression and crossed her arms. Swani glanced at her then made a confused face.

"What is it?"


"You like him, don't you?"

"As a gafri, yeah."

"I meant as a potential mate." Murana said. Swani blushed hard and tried to correct Murana.

"No no no no no. He...I...we aren't like that." Swani said. "We are gafri. Not mates or potential mates."

"You like him." Murana poked her kin as she teased her. "You want to get closer to him. You want to be his closest friend. I can see it on your face. You like him."

"Be quiet." Swani said, blocking the pokes. "Besides, who knows what he thinks of me."

"He likes you too."

"How do you know that?"

"I can see his face when he looks at you." Murana answered. "And if you don't admit it, you do like him. You just can't admit it."

"We are only gafri." Swani pushed for her to leave the subject alone.

"For now." Murana said. "I'll still mateship you both."

"Murana!" Swani playfully punched the unscaled galephra in the shoulder. They both laughed. And over the next few years, Murana would be right; Swani and Kichi would get together. But what she didn't predict is that she would develop feelings for Mercan.

Meanwhile, Zime was having his own discoveries. He began to learn about his own corruption powers. He could make pure darkness, and from this he created the Zikor. The first four - Ziko, Noth, Soth, and Eth - were to be his generals in the war between him and the house gians.

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