Vikki's Holiday: Part 6

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Venia walked around the town. She had gone through it three times, stopping after her second to sleep in the orphanage. Stubbornly, she had continued her fourth run. She would find them, then she would leave the town. She didn't belong with them. Venia entered the park and headed toward the place that Xaris said they went.

Speaking of Xaris, she had lost her two stalkers a while ago. Mayna and Xaris had started to question Venia. After all, it hadn't been three full deckros after her arrival that the four orphans got kidnapped. Being two of the older orphans, it was understandable that they would lack trust. But her searching for them proved she had nothing to do with it, right?

Maybe that's why they left. The two had connected the dots and realized she was innocent. Venia hoped that was the reason. If she ran into whoever took the orphans, and they knew who she was, then it could have horrible consequences if Mayna and Xaris were listening in.

When Venia reached the spot that the four orphans had been when they got abducted, she sensed something bad. She may have been away from Zokun for over two years, but one doesn't forget how it feels. She sensed Zikori presence print and Zikori magic. And that wasn't all that she sensed. She felt watched.

A rustling in the bushes made her head swing toward the noise and bring her hands to her bow. She quickly armed it. Out of the bushes came a Zikor wearing a black dress, black leggings, and a red scarf that poked out of a grey trench coat. Her black boots crunched on the snow. Her tail waved behind her and under her wings. She held her hands up.

"Whoa, there." The Zikor said. She gestured with her hands and two Zikors came from behind her. One was like a Dian; he wore a grey trench coat, dark orange shirt, and dark brown pants. The last one looked like a rookie. He wore all brown - pants, shirt, jacket, and even his boots. "We won't hurt you."

"Why are you following me?"

"Relax. We only want to talk."

"Tell me your names."

"Fine. I'm Lira." The Zikor leader said. She gestured to the Dian-like one, then to the other cat-like one. "He's Kindle. The rookie's Jake."

Venia put the bow down slowly. "I'm-"

"We already know." Lira said, putting up a hand. "You're Venia Zimechold, the gian of blood."

"My father sent you, didn't he?"

"Yep." Lira walked toward Venia. Soon there were only a half meter apart. "And you'll come with us."

"Why should I?"

"Because you want to keep your allies safe." Venia looked at her.

"You're the ones who took them."

"That's right." Lira said, smiling. "How about a deal?"

"A...a deal?"

"Yes, a deal." Lira walked around her and put her claw-like hands on the gian's shoulders. She gestured to the other zikor. "You come with us. We set your allies free. How does that sound?"

"It sounds," Venia looked at the ground, then to Lira. "That sounds fair."

"Good. Then we have a deal." Lira went around and held out her hand. "Let's shake on it."

Venia hesitated. How was she to explain why and how she got the orphans back? She would have to improvise. This might be the only way to get them back. She shook the Zikor's hand. Lira turned to leave, then paused. She wrote on a piece of paper, then folded it and gave it to the blood gian.

"Just in case you change your mind." Lira said. The unsuspecting Venia took it, unfolded it and read it. She fell immediately. Lira plucked the page and folded up again, putting it in a coat pocket. She walked to her squadmates.

"What did you just do?" Jake asked.

"Oh, just put a failsafe in her mind." The Zikor answered. "Not that she will remember it."

Once the Zikor trio left, Mayna and Xar came out of their hiding place. Xaris turned to Mayna. "Well that just happened."

"Yes, it did."

"What should we do?"

"About what?"


"Correction: Venia." Mayna said. "She was never Viktoria. She was not and never will be. She lied to us."

"She was trying to find the others." Xar fought back. "She obviously had her reasons. Viki, Venia, whatever her name is, wanted to help us. She chose to go in our kins' place. Can't you give her at least a little break."

"I will when she explains." Mayna said. She started to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"To see if it's too late to track the Zikor."

"And Viki?"


"She's Viki to me." Mayna spun around.

"Fine, you want to help her, then help her. But I'm not aiding her one bit. From now on, she is my hakus!"

Xaris watched as Mayna stormed off. He knew what she meant. If one has a hakus, that means they hate them a lot. Xaris looked at Venia. He sighed. He put an arm under her knees and under her back. He carried her to the orphanage.

"She doesn't belong here."

"Mayna, please. Viki-"

"Venia! Just use her real name!"

"Mayna! If you can't calm down, I will ask you to leave."

"Mama Rosa, she-"

"I don't want to hear it." Venia's eyes started to open as the gian awoke from the sleep she was in. Mayna was exiting the room. Karie and Mama Rosa noticed her stirring. Venia sat up slowly, rubbing her head.


"You collapsed in the park." Mama Rosa replied. She looked at Karie. "Can you get me some of the vegetable soup from downstairs?"

"Sure!" Karie hopped out of the room. Mama Rosa turned to Venia.

"Xar carried you back. He told me what happened."

"Was he..was know." Venia couldn't say the words. Mama Rosa put a hand on hers.

"Yes. They were both listening. It's between us, Mayna, Xar, and the two orphanage workers." Mama Rosa squeezed her hand lightly. "The rest do know your real name, but not your origin. You are safe here."

"Am I?" Venia sighed. She looked out the window. "I'll understand if you want me to leave."

"That is not happening." Mama Rosa turned the blood gian's face and turned it toward her. "You are still part of the orphanage, whatever Mayna says. So don't listen to her."

Venia didn't respond, just looked down. Mama Rosa hugged her.

"Don't worry, Viki." She said. "It will be alright."

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