Two Zokunites Leave

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Over the next sev, Shad looked into the Ziko case. Every deckro, he would go to the Zokun prison, specifically Ziko's cell, and jotted down notes. He opened the door to his chamber and put the notes he had on his desk. Shad noticed that the two folders that contained all of the information on Ziko were gone. Looking up, he saw The back of a dark grey trench coat. The figure held up the missing folders. "You've grown in an interest in Ziko."


"Why?" Daek turned around. "There is no use to look into a traitor."

"I seek to understand him." Shad said. "I wanted to know what the gians did to him."

"We all know what happened. They told him lies and sent him back as a spy."

"I don't think he was told lies." Daek raised an eyebrow.

"And why do you think that?"

"I have listened to Ziko's story over and over again." Shad replied. "And trust me, I don't think he is lying."

"Or he is and you can't tell." Daek said. The death gian went over to Shad and placed the files onto the desk. He put his hand on the shadow gian's shoulder. "I'm worried about you, brother. You haven't been talking to us, except for the meetings."

"I'm fine." Shad insisted. Daek removed his hand.

"I trust you." Daek said. "So I will believe you on that. But you have to think about this. The gians are the evil ones, not us. That's what our father told us."

"I know."

"Do you? You don't seem to. You've started to talk about the first Zikor falling due to things that may not be lies, that it may be truth. Don't you see how wrong that sounds?"

"To you, yes. I do." Shad answered. "But I believe that I'm right."

"Can I trust you to take caution." Daek said, sighing.


"I hope so." Daek moved to the door. He put his hand on the doorknob but paused. He turned around. "Shad, please don't do anything idiotic."

Shad nodded and Daek left. Shad took the notes that he had and put them in a binder. He took the Ziko files as well. Then he went to the library and gathered anything he could on zetrian and its effects. When he came back to his room, he hid the binder under the bed. The next deckro, he spent more time with his kin, who were relieved to have him back to close to normal as they can get. Zime was also pleased; he knew self-isolation could be devastating. That was one of the reasons that Zime wanted to create the three minor gians. He would never admit it out loud, though.

Shad came to Ziko's cell in the evening. Shad slipped inside through the shadows. Ziko, still chained with his hands behind his back, shook his head and smiled in disbelief when he saw the gian. The Zikor looked at Shad. "I've told you a thousand times my tale. Do I seriously need to tell you once more?"

"No. You don't." Shad put a hand on the chains and they fell away from Ziko. Ziko rubbed his wrists and looked at him confused. Shad thrust a shadow crystal in his hand. Ziko was definitely confused. "When this starts to lightly glow, concentrate on it and think of me."

"Wha-eh? Why?"

"Just do it. We are going to get out of Zokun." Shad turned and Ziko looked at him.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Shad looked at him.

"I sure hope it does."



"Even if it doesn't, you will always be my kin." Ziko hugged him. Shad, after recovering from shock, left. Shad got out a backpack. He stuffed some clothes, a few of his personal books, and a couple paintings of Daek, Vina, and him together. He put the binder and a couple others in the pack as well. Putting his pack on, he sheathed his dual daggers. Shad took the crystal that was a copy of the one he gave to Ziko. He got out a piece of paper and wrote a note on it. Shad made his bed, then put the piece of paper on the pillow. He left the main city of Cuszel, looking back only once.

On a mountain in the Kevranki Mountains, Shad caused the crystal in his hand to grow. Ziko appeared in front of him and smiled. They looked out at Daeki for the last, or at least hopefully last, time.

The following is what Shad left on the note::

To whom it may concern,

I have decided to leave Zokun. I have done some personal research about the girite gians, and I believe that they have are in fact in the right, and we are in the wrong. I know it is not what we have been told, or what we have been taught. But I believe it is true. I have been thinking and thinking. I've had this planned out for the last couple of neviks. I have had time for forethought. Vina and Daek, please don't be mad at me. I've done what I think is wise. I hope you do the same, and walk the path that is best. I regret that we will now longer be on the same side, at least for now. Please inform our father about my decision. I am sorry for the pain I will cause you. I will miss you, deeply.

Good Luck on the path you choose to take,

Shad Zimechild

Venia noticed that Shad wasn't at the evening meeting. She went to check up on him. In his room, Venia found at piece of paper, picked it up, and read through it completely. She fell on the bed. When Daek found her, her arms were pulling her knees toward her chest and she was crying. At her feet lay Shad's note. Daek picked it up and read it. He sat down, and put a hand on her elbow. She glanced up and he held out his arms. She fell into him and sobbed. Daek looked through the window into the darkness sky of Zokun.

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