Outing Gone Wrong

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Word eventually came around that Rina, Vina, and Sheke were visiting the Kival, or fire valley, that separated Phankes and Daeki. Zime hatched a plan and called his generals. They collected in one of the few counsel rooms.

"Who has heard that two very important girls are visiting the border?" Zime asked. He put an emphasis on 'very.' The generals raised their hands, then put them down. "Good. Then you are aware that one of the minor gians and a girl close to Theon is going. I need you three to go there and get them for me."

"You want us to capture them." Ziko said, wanting make sure he heard his leader right.

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, it's not." Ziko replied quickly. "But some of the Zikor under me are not that bright and I don't always trust them. The information I got was that the three are going alone. If these are two very important people, then I don't think they are going alone."

"The information that I have," Noth said. "was that there was a guy named Sheke going with them. Other than that, they are unsupervised."

"And he has the most trusting Zikor." Zime added. "So, Ziko, if you have any doubts now, please put them forward."

"I have no more doubts."

"Good." Zime leaned back in his chair. "Then we have no problems. Tell your lieutenants that you are going and head off. I expect them to be in a special prison cell tomorrow. Coordinates will be put on your desk."

"Yes Lord Zime." The generals said. Zime smiled as he thought of what he was going to be able to do."

"This town may be on the small side," Sheke said. "But it definitely doesn't mean it's not a good one."

"I agree." Vina said, happily walking next to him on his right. Rina was on the other side. She tugged on Sheke's sleeve and pointed to one of the restaurants.

"Can we go and get food there?" She asked. Sheke shrugged.

"Why not?"

"Yey!" Rina hoped with joy. It was 13 cades after her creation even though she acted like an eight-cade-old and looked like a decade old. Sheke himself had grown. He looked like a thirteen-cade-old when he was adjusted to start training. He was twelve but looked and often acted 18.

The three made their way into the restaurant. They sat down and looked at their menus. Rina looked at one of the dishes that the restaurant served. She giggled and Sheke looked at her. "What?"

"They have shrimp ramen."

"WAIT, WHAT?" Sheke looked through the menu and found it. "They do! This place is awesome!"

"Assuming that they don't cook it poorly." Vina pointed out. She still looked like a decade old, but she was 15. Her hair was in pigtails and kind of looked like budding flowers.

"If they haven't taken it off," Sheke said. "then they probably at least do it at a tolerable level."

"Hello. My name is Susan." An orange bombay feline aniji came to their table. "I'm the Freckled Fire waitress. Do you three know what you want?

The three ordered their food and when they came, they were very satisfied. Sheke was very impressed with the quality of the ramen. That was saying something because since it was his all-time favorite food, (all ramen was, but especially the shrimp kind) he judged pretty strictly. When they left, people were running either to or from something or someone. Sheke stopped a teenage swan aniji.

"What's going on?"

"The Zikor are attacking the town!" The teen said, twisting out of his grip and running away. Sheke turned to the two girls and took out his sword.

"Follow him and hide; I'll take care of this!"

"Uh, no you're not." Vina said. "At least not alone. They are Zikor; that means it's my battle too."

"And I'm not going to leave you." Rina stated stubbornly as she took out her wooden staff.

"I am not going to get you two to back down, am I?"


"Fine." Sheke didn't want to try to persuade them. Rina was stubborn when he wanted to fight alone because of their securship and Vina was known to never back down when she thought she could help.

The trio ran to the area that people were running from. In the sky, on a zetrian cloud, were the three Zikor generals, each in command of a squad below. Sheke cut a spider-fish one in half after Vina roped the legs. Rina used a staff to penetrate the armor of a galephra-feline mix, and left it open so Sheke could slash the Zikor's chest. Rina hopped onto a large canine one and Vina trapped it in many vines. Thorns sprouted and they caused the Zikor to disappear into zetrian dust like all the others.

Above them, Noth smiled. "It looks like our bait has attracted the prey."

"Should we wait a while or go down now?" Est asked. Ziko watched Sheke.

"I need to take care of someone. My suggestion is while I distract him, you three can get the other two."

"I get what you're saying." Soth said, glancing at the canine.

Sheke pierced the flesh of another Zikor. Sensing someone behind him, he spun around. Immediately clashing swords with him, Sheke was face-to-face with a Zikor general. The general smiled as he slashed. Sheke was very practiced, however, and so was able to block and counterattack every move the Zikor made.

"You are practiced." Ziko observed. "You've trained a lot, I'm guess?"

"Yes. I have." Sheke said. "And it seems to be paying off."

"I guess it has been." Sheke struck the Zikor's dominant shoulder.

"It still is, apparently." Ziko switched the way he held his sword. Sheke continued to block his attacks and was close to planting more of his. A few meters away, Rina and Vina fought back to back using their staffs and skills. They had taken down all the Zikor squads now; the Zikor generals were the ones being fought.

Rina hit Soth's left arm and Soth grabbed the staff. She used it to pull Rina closer to her and grabbed the girl's wrists, pinning them behind her back. Soth smiled as the girl struggled. "Not too powerful now, huh Mage of Mind?"

"Who are you?" Rina said.

"Someone who has a mission to complete for Zime."

"What?" Rina twisted around to look at Soth with wide eyes. Vina was busy with Est. Noth hit her head and so she was unconscious. Rina called to Sheke. Sheke looked at her.

Sheke continued to battle his opponent, with adrenaline from seeing his secorus in trouble. He slashed the Zikor's chest and he knocked into a stone wall of a building. He fell to the ground unconscious. Sheke ran to help them. Soth and Est had controlled the cloud so it would land on the ground. Rina was struggling to get out of Soth's grip. Est carried Vina. And Noth smirked at him.

Sheke ran up to battle Noth. He slashed on the right but Noth held his sword. Sheke looked at him. Noth waved his finger as his other hand snapped the sword in half. Sheke tried to stab him with the remaining piece but Noth grabbed it. He twisted it around and cut deeply into Sheke's shoulder. Noth kicked Sheke down and used the sword hilt to badly injure the boy's head.

Sheke forced his eyes to stay open as long as he could. He watched as Noth commanded a small portion of the cloud to descend. Noth climbed onto it and laughed at Sheke who was on the ground. Sheke sat up and in a painful daze of fog tried to follow the cloud on foot. He fell to his knees and cried until he blacked out.

Hey, dear readers. I appreciate that you guys have read what I have done and taking inspiration from one of my Wattpad friends, I will be starting to do dedications. They will begin with the next chapter and running till the end of the book. We have a decent amount of chapters left, so don't worry. You all have a fair chance for a dedication.

The question(s) you will have to answer will be in italics. I already have next chapter's dedication planned,  but from there it's fair game. Have a great day.  ^.^

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