Chapter 1

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    I woke up to my mom making me get up. I got up and went to eat breakfast. My dad walked into the door at the same time I sat down. The post came and I went to go and get it. I grabbed the post and looked through it. I gave my dad the post and went to my bedroom with something for me. I opened it and saw that it said Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. I opened the letter and saw that I have been accepted to the school. I walked back to the Kitchen to see my mom and dad still sitting there. "Hey guys what is Hogwarts?"
"Oh that did you get accepted to it."
"Yeah what do I do."
"I don't know how to get there."
"Really dad I need so many things for this."
"Well I know a friend of mine who goes there."
"Dad you teach there you should know."
"Oh I thought you didn't know I was just lying cause I thought you didn't."
   I walked back to my room and sat on my bed. Ugh where are my manners. I am 11 year old  Olive Snape, I am a pure blood. I have been taught about everything and I can't wait for the school year to begin.
                                   2 hours later.
      We were walking the streets of Diagon Alley. We went to Gringotts bank and got wizard money. I got my robes, books, wand, and an owl. We went back home and I packed my trunk. We woke up early in the morning I had to ride The Hogwarts Express. I sat ran through the barrier between 9 and 10 which was supposed to be 9 and three quarters. I walked onto the Express and I saw a few other people coming through the barrier. I was sitting in the Express and was waiting. Some one walked into the part where I was.
    "Oh hello my name is Hermione Granger."
    "Hello Hermione I am Olive Snape."
    "Oh sweet."
    "Yeah it really is."
    "I am gonna go."
  I got my robes on and right when I did we arrived. We all got off the Express and was greeted by none other than Hagrid.  "HAGRID!!" A boy from the back shouted running up I caught a quick glance of someone it was some kid named Harry because his friend ran to catch up to him. I walked to find someone I knew sadly I knew Hermione and she was no where to be found so I walked with the others. We had to get on boats. We hit the ground and got off. We walked inside to be greeted by Professor McGonagall in the hallway.
  "Students we will be ready for you in a few minutes." She walked away and someone walked past me to another student standing there.
   "The famous Harry Potter. Here at Hogwarts. I am Draco Malfoy. Why are you with someone like that Weasley? I can show you who really should hang out with me."
   "Thanks but no thanks I think I know who I should talk to and who I shouldn't."
   I walked from where I was standing over next to Harry. "Hey Harry I am Olive Snape I am sorry about Draco Malfoy. I will tell you all about him later." Just as I finished what I was saying Professor McGonagall walked back in and shot Draco a dirty look and looked over at Harry and I and she smiled. 
   "Now first years when you walk inside of this door there will be 4  tables. 1 table for each of the houses. The 4 houses are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff. Don't sit down when you get in there you guys will be sorted and then you will sit down. Let's go in shall we."
  We all walked into the Grand Hall. I looked up and down the teacher table and finally spotted my dad. "Now students you will go up here when I call your name and you will put the hat on and it will yell out the house you are in."
    Sounds easy enough. I heard the friend of Harry's say that you know who was in Slytherin. Oh god I don't want to be in Slytherin now. Okay they are starting to call people.  "Ronald Weasley." He put on the sorting hat and it yelled Gryffindor. "Hermione Granger." She did the same and it yelled Gryffindor. "Harry Potter." My dad was smiling because it almost put him in his house but then it yelled Gryffindor. The whole Gryffindor table was shouting. "Olive Snape." I walked up the steps and sat on the stool. I put the sorting hat on and it felt like forever. Then it finally yelled Gryffindor. I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Harry. I was the last one thank goodness. We all ate the food that magically appeared. We had to follow the Prefects the prefect for Gryffindor was some kid named Percy which just so happened to be a Weasley as well. Professor McGonagall had to follow. We walked up the corridor and to a place with many many staircases. Percy said something and I didn't catch what he said until one of the staircases moved. We got to a corridor and a picture with a heavy set woman was on the painting. Hmm. "Password?"
  Percy said the password was potion making. The portrait opened and we all walked into it. I walked over to the seat in the corner and sat there. Listened to the rules and got my schedule. People were looking at me for no reason then I looked down at my schedule. Potions with Professor Snape. People are looking at me because they think I professor Snape's daughter because I am. Hermione, Harry, and the Ron kid walked over to where I was sitting. Hermione and Harry were looking at each other as if they were talking to each other in their heads. Hermione graded my hand and took me to the girls dormitories and made me sit down on my bed. "Olive is your dad Professor Snape?"
  "Yes please don't tell anyone."

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