Chapter 10

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            Draco's POV
  I made sure Olive was okay and I walked out of the hospital wing. Since she was asleep I was gonna go tell her friends she was in the hospital wing. I saw Mudblood first. "Hey you." She turned around. "Olive is in the Hospital wing if you were looking for her." I watched her run into the Gryffindor common room and came back out with Harry and Ron. I ran to the hospital wing before they could get here and kissed her forehead and sat down on a nearby bed.
  I watched Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk into the hospital wing and in the doors. Ron ran over to me and grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. "What did you do to her?"
"I didn't do anything to her."
"Some how I doubt it." He let me go and I fell to the floor. I walked away and started to walk out of the hospital wing.
"Draco where are you going?"
"Olive I am gonna go so you can spend sometime with your friends."
"I don't want you to leave."
"Olive I will come back just not right now." I saw her lose her smile. "Olive I will be back I promise."  I went to Snape. "Professor Snape."
"Hello Mr. Malfoy. How can I help you?"
"Olives friends showed up and I left and she was sad I was leaving but I told her I would be back."
"Poor Draco she was upset because you had to leave."
"Yeah and I felt so bad."
"Draco I know you like her but please calm down."
"Snape I wish she was in Slytherin and not Gryffindor because I could see her more and protect her. I would die before I would let anything happen to her."

         Snape's POV
I looked up from what I was doing and saw that Draco was telling the truth. He genuinely cares for Olive. "Draco you actually care about her and I love that please keep acting like that." "Draco you might want to leave now Dumbledore shall be coming to speak with me any minute now."
"Okay Professor." He stood up and walked out of the classroom. Just as he left Dumbledore walked in.
"Good Afternoon Severus."
"Good Afternoon Dumbledore."
"Severus I know about Olive and what has happened to her."
"Dumbledore she trusted me to protect Olive even though she is my child she trusted me to protect her."
"Are you trying your best as her father?"
"Yes I am it is just really hard when she is hanging around with Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss. Granger."
"Listen Severus I think Olive needs those three in her life and as her best friends because she needs people like that to help her in times of need and Ron has done that, so has Harry. Hermione tries but sometimes it comes out wrong." What Dumbledore said made me think.
"So Olive needs them to lead her in the wrong direction for her to go into the right one."
"Exactly Severus." "Well I must be going now Severus." With that Dumbledore walked out.

                   Olive's POV
  "Ron why did you pin Draco up against the wall?"
"Because he hurt you."
"I thought that because c'mon it is Draco."
"Ronald really he didn't hurt me him and my dad actually saved me from being dragged and the person who was dragging me hurt me. I wanna know where you guys were at I was screaming I screamed for my dad but you still probably heard me Draco did how didn't you?"
"Olive we are really sorry."
"Ron I don't want to hear it." "Please leave all three of you." They left and I was by myself again. I started to cry when Draco walked in.
"Olive don't cry."
"D-D-Draco, you are the only one that actually c-cares."
"What do you mean?"
"I am such a mess yet here you are trying to help me." I managed to say in between sobs.
"Olive it is okay."
"No, it isn't my life is screwed up and I don't think Ron cares." With that Draco ran out of the hospital wing and I am still crying. My dad walks in and runs over to me he picks me up and just holds me. "Dad why does my life have to be like this?"
"Be like what sweetie?"
"Draco is the only one that cares I think."

       Draco's POV
I ran out of the hospital wing and down to Snape told him about Olive. I ran up the steps and found Weasley. "What is wrong with you?!"
"Olives feelings are hurt and here you go being a jerk about it."
"Why do you even care?"
"I care because I feel bad." "You should care she is your friend and I am not going to sit around and let you disrespect her." "I would die trying to protect her but no you would use her as a shield so you don't die."
"No you wouldn't Draco you wouldn't protect her."
"How do you know that, how do you know?"
"Draco I wouldn't use her as a shield either."
"Whatever Weasley just learn some manners when it comes to Olive she is the nicest person you will meet." I walked away from Weasley and back to the Hospital Wing to find Olive crying still. Olive's dad is holding her and she is crying I walked over to her. "Here let me try." I grabbed her off her dad and rocked her. She stopped crying and snuggled into me closer. She fell asleep and I put on the bed and I stood up and sat on the bed closest to her and her dad sat on the chair on the other side.
"Draco why were you gone for so long?"
"I was kinda hoping you wouldn't ask that."
"Um why Draco?"
"I was yelling at the Weasley kid for being a jerk to Olive." All Snape did was smile. He was probably going to do that after she was calm.

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