Chapter 6

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    I watched as my dad ran out of the classroom and came back 40 minutes later with Hermione, Ron, and Draco. "You guys are okay." I ran over to them and pulled them into a group hug.
"Olive are you okay?"
"Yes Draco I am okay."
"Draco what did you see?"
"I saw something move and then it was behind Olive so I pulled her into me and then it got closer so I pushed her back and she lost her balance and fell I pulled out my wand and yelled Lumos and then it was gone but just make sure it wasn't hiding I made those two help."
"Hermione walk Olive to the Gryffindor house."
"Okay Professor Snape." Hermione walked me out and we walked until we heard Professor Quirll. "Olive look it is Professor Quirll."
"Hi professor Quirll."
"Hello Miss. Snape and Miss. Granger"
"Well we must go now."  Hermione grabbed my arm and pulled me so we were basically running to get me to the common room. "Olive why did you look so upset while we were talking to Professor Quirll?"
"It is nothing Hermione."
"Okay well I have to go to class now."
I sat on the couch as I watched Hermione leave. I started to get light headed and dizzy I rolled off the couch and passed out on the floor.

Ron's POV
      I had forgot my textbook in the common room. I went into the common room and found my book. I looked over at the table and saw Olive on the floor passed out. I dropped my book and ran over to her. She wasn't breathing at the moment. I picked her up bridal style and ran her to Madam Pomfrey. "Madam Pomfrey?"
"Yes dear child."
She ran over here to Olive. "Young boy what happened?"
"I realized I forgot my textbook in the common room and went to get it and I got it then I looked over and she was on the floor and it looked like she wasn't breathing so I ran her here."
"Lay her down on the bed and then run to get her dad." I didn't move. "Don't stand there and do nothing. Go get her dad." I ran out of the hospital wing and down to Professor Snape's classroom.
"Olive is in the hospital wing."
"Weasley I am in the middle of cla- WAIT WHAT?!"
"Olive is in the hospital wing."
"Class dismissed." Professor Snape ran up the stairs too fast and I couldn't keep up.  He ran into the hospital wing with me following him. "What happened to my daughter Weasley?!"
"I don't know I walked into the common room to grab my book and when I found it I looked over and she was on the floor unconscious." He looked at me and looked at his daughter. He sat down on the chair next to her bed and I moved closer to him. "Professor Snape are you okay?"
"No Weasley I am not okay this is my daughter she is hurt and other than her mother she is all I have."
"Professor Snape are you crying?"
"Weasley listen to me you will stay with my daughter all day and come and get me if anything is wrong or if she wakes up."
"Dad is that you?"
"Olive." I watched as he grabbed her and hugged her like there was no tomorrow. "Olive please don't scare me like that child." He hugged her tighter. "Olive you had me scared I love my daughter please don't scare me like that again."
"Dad calm down I am perfectly fine it was probably because I didn't eat enough."
"Olive please don't scare me like that."
"Okay dad. Also please stop hugging me, I can't breathe."
  "Okay sorry Olive."
"Dad shouldn't you be giving a lecture."
"Yeah I should but my daughter comes first."

                      Olive's POV
    I ate some chocolate and was sent back to the common room. Ron walked me back. "Ron why do you care so much about me?"
"I just do okay."
"Okay sorry." I watched as he walked out. I sat on the couch. I am so bored. I grabbed out my charms homework and started working on it. I was working on my homework and Hermione ran into the common room.
"Olive I figured something out."
"Hermione what did you figure out?"
"So last night while you were asleep Harry, Ron, and I went and almost got caught out of bed and we saw this 3 threaded dog and there was something under it like it was guarding something."
"Hermione if it is guarding something why would it be guarding it?"
"Good question that is why we will be going to the library now." Before I could say anything I was being dragged out of the portrait hole. "Olive have you found anything yet?"
"Hermione if I found something I would have told you." "Nothing."
"Hermione there is only one person that would know what that thing is hiding."
"Hagrid." We put all of the books away ran to the common room and grabbed Ron and Harry.
"What is this all about?"
"Well Ron we must go and talk to Hagrid about that creature in that room because it looked to be guarding something."
"Okay." We ran down to Hagrid's hut. Harry knocked on the door and Hagrid opened the door and let us in.
"Hello Harry, Ron, Hermione, and who is this."
"My name is Olive Snape."
"Okay." "What brings you guys down here?"
"We saw a 3 headed dog in a room recently."
"Yeh must be talking bout Fluffy."
"That's it's name?"
"What is it guarding Hagrid."
"That is for Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel to know."
"Who is Nicholas Flamel?"
"I shouldn't have said that."
"Guys it is getting late maybe we should get back to the castle."
"Yeah we should good thinking Olive." We got out of his hut and ran to the castle we walked into the castle and to the Gryffindor common room.

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