Chapter 2

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   My first class was Herbology. I was in that class for an hour which seemed like forever. I was taking the notes like I was told to do and an hour had been up and they still weren't done yet thank god I have a dad who is a wizard already I was taught the charm to make it write for me. Ok course I didn't do it because I would get in trouble. I finished writings notes and I had the next class which I was dreading the most. Potions. We walked to our next class why did I have to have my dad's class. We walked into the door and I saw my dad up at his desk. I went and sat next to Neville Longbottom. God was he annoying. He didn't stop talking the entire time I was sitting there. "Neville please stop talking I am trying to listen to Professor Snape."
     "Okay Olive."
    My dad kept rambling on and on about stupid Potions I already knew everything about it. I looked over at Harry and he was taking notes the entire time. He finally looked at me and smiled at me. I smiled and blushed back. Professor Snape kept talking and talking then the bell rang finally. "Olive Snape may I speak with you." Crap. "Why don't you think you have to pay attention to what I'm saying?"
"I think I like someone Professor."
"Go to your next class Olive."
I walked out and Harry was still standing there. "Harry you stayed and waited."
"Yeah you are kinda cool so yeah."
"Aww thanks." I hugged him and he hugged back. "Okay well we are gonna be late let me get us there quickly." I grabbed his wrist and snapped my fingers and we were at our next class.
  "How did you do that?"
  "Professor Snape taught me."
  "Oh okay."
  The class started. Ugh we were in History of Magic. I looked over at Harry. Then to Hermione. Wait is she falling for him? I looked at Ron and saw he was looking at me before this. Ron is kinda cute. But still I need to concentrate on this History in Magic stuff. I was listening to the teacher and writing down notes. The bell rang and Ron and Harry got up and started to leave. I grabbed all my stuff and went after them. "Ron Harry!"
  They stopped and I caught up to them. "Do you guys think that some of these people are know it alls?"
"Yes I do." Thank god it was Ron who answered he is so cute. I looked over at Harry he looked distracted. Hmm what could he be thinking about? I walked with them to class and Ron and I were working together since the class were in pairs. Ron and I and Harry and Hermione. "Ron how do you do this?"
"I don't know Olive I am not sure."
"Oh wait my dad once showed me this."
"Yes Ron."
"Why do you bring up your dad so much?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean why do you always bring him up whenever you are talking about something that involves magic? Is your dad like Professor Snape of something?"
"Please don't tell anyone he is my dad but I am not supposed to tell anyone."
As soon as I knew it his arm was around my waist. He pulled me closer. "Open the book and we will figure it out."
"Class dismissed."
I closed my book and grabbed all of my stuff Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I had to go to our next class. October was coming slowly. I was in my next class and Draco Malfoy was talking and naturally it was all about me and Ron. "Look it is Mr. and  Mrs.Weasley." At least the teacher wasn't here yet. I got up out of my seat and walked over to Draco. I punched him in the nose.
"Oh my god Olive."
"What Ron he deserved it."
"You will pay for this Olive Snape you will pay."
"Oh shut up you old cockroach or I will do it again."
As soon as our Defense against the dark arts class began Harry wasn't feeling so good. He passed out and I ran to get over to him before Ron or Hermione could. "Harry are you okay?" "Harry?"
"Students no need to fret I will just have them take him to Madam Pomfrey." "Ron,  Hermione, and Olive take him to her now."
We grabbed Harry off of the floor and took him to her.
"Kids what happened?" She said as she was taking Harry off of Ron and Hermione. "Kids I want to know what happened."
"Madam I don't know what happened." Hermione said.
"Go back to class then."
Hermione walked to the door and walked out of it. "I don't know what happened either." Said Ron.
"Go back to class then."
Ron did the exact same thing as Hermione and they were gone.
"Olive what happened to him?"
"We were sitting in Defense against the Dark arts class and I looked over at Harry and he didn't look so good he had been touching his scar then his eyes kept drifting closed then he fell out of his chair and onto the floor he went. I ran over to him and said his name twice and there was no answer, Professor Quirll seemed to be fighting back a smile. Then he sent us down here."
"Olive what do you mean by Professor Quirll seemed to be smiling?"
"He was fighting back a smile, like he wanted that to happen."
"Well maybe he was but what can you do about it?"
"That is true."
"Okay Olive go back to your Defense Against the Dark arts class."
I turned around and walked away. I looked back to see Madam Pomfrey trying to wake Harry up. Then walked away and back to my class. I got into my class and sat next to Ron. "Class dismissed." We walked out of that class and back to the Gryffindor common room.

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