Chapter 19

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          It was now lunch and I walked to the Great Hall for lunch. I walked over to my normal seat and sat down, I looked at the professor's and saw my dad sitting there talking to Quirrell. Wait why is my dad talking to Quirrell? Ron and Hermione walked in bickering, and sat down next to me. Harry walked in and he looked like he just got out of bed. I looked at Harry who was sitting across from me. "Harry, you good there you seem to be in your own little world."
"I am fine but Ron, Hermione, and I are plane to go bust Snape- Erm- whoever wants the Sorcerer's Stone."
"Well I am coming too."
"The invisibility cloak may not fit all four of us."
"Well after dinner we will try and see if we all fit in the cloak."
"Alright." I looked back at my dad, who seemed to be lost in thought. He stopped talking to Quirrell, and started looking at me. He was looking at me and Harry because I was leaning over the table whispering to him about the cloak. He doesn't know we were talking about the cloak or the third floor. After, lunch I had History of Magic. Ugh Professor. Binns is so boring. "Blah, Blah, Blah- ghosts, Blah blah blah- wolves blah blah blah- war." The bell rang and I ran out of there as quickly as I could. Now Transfiguration with McGonagall.
"Awesome job Olive, Hermione." The class was over and it was dinner. I ran to dinner ate and went over to talk to Draco.
"Draco, we will have to work on the Defense Against the Dark Arts essay later." Before he could respond I ran out of the Great Hall and to the Gryffindor portrait. "Potion Making." The portrait opened and I ran through. I ran to the girls dormitories put all of my stuff in there and changed into a pair of sneakers, jeans, a jacket and a black shirt. I walked down to the common room and sat down on the chair. I waited until a of the other Gryffindor's went to bed and Harry, Ron, and Hermione all walked over to me with the invisibility cloak. We put it on and walked out of the common room. "Guys I have a flute we can play to put Fluffy to sleep." We got to the third floor and the door that had Fluffy in it was unlocked.
"Someone already got in here." We opened the door to find Fluffy already sleeping, and a harp playing music. We threw off the invisibility cloak and saw the trapdoor was closed. The music stopped playing, I picked up my flute and started playing a little song. Harry opened the trapdoor and fell down.
"It is safe." I put down my flute and ran to the trapdoor and jumped in after Hermione.  Ron jumped in and landed next to me.
"It is Devil's Snare, everyone be as still as possible you will fall right through." I did as Hermione said and I fell through. Hermione already fell, Harry was next, Ron wouldn't be still.
"Ron, be still or it will just kill you faster." He started to panic. Hermione said a spell under her breath and he fell through. We all stood up and ran to the next room. I tripped over a stair and fell. I stood up and I was perfectly fine.
"Harry, Olive, Hermione it is wizard chess, this is my specialty."
"Harry, Ron, Hermione I don't how to play chess."
"Olive, stay back here and make sure no one else gets through."
"Ron, Harry, Hermione you go I will be okay." They went and played the chess game, Ron got hit, I screamed when he got hit, and Harry and Hermione passed and walked into the next room. I was left in a room with an unconscious Ron. I watched Hermione walk back into the room, and walk over to Ron. "Hermione where's Harry?"
"I made him move on and I came back for your guys." I ran around the chess figures and to Ron and Hermione. We both grabbed one of Ron's arms and carried him to the landing. No one came out of the room for a while, we just stood there. We then heard something behind us and we turned around. "Dumbledore?!"
"Olive Snape, Hermione Granger what are you guys doing down here?"
"We um-Erm-"
"We came down here to save the Sorcerer's Stone from Snape, I mean whoever wants the stone."
"Why do you guys think it is my father who wants it?"
"His leg was all bloody and it looked like it was the work of the 3 headed dog."
"How can you guys even think for a moment it was my dad? My dad would never do something like that. How do you not know that he was bitten trying to stop someone else from getting down here? Also my dad helped to protect this place so seriously. Why do you think it is my dad."
"Sorry Olive."
"Now are you kids hurt?" Dumbledore grabbed my arms and looked at my arms, he looked at my face and saw I wasn't hurt. He did the same to Hermione, he then saw Ron, "What happened to Mr. Weasley?"
"A big game of wizard chess." After I finished explaining I then heard more footsteps behind us, "Dad?!" I ran to my dad and jumped up to hug him.
"Olive why are you down there?"
"Dad, I don't know." We saw something like a ghost came through. My dad grabbed me and Hermione and protected us. The ghost like thing disappeared and my dad let us go. Dumbledore walked away from us and my dad picked up Ron and walked me and Hermione out. We were walking towards the hospital wing.
"Professor Snape, why are you bringing all of these children to me?"
"Ronald Weasley was hit with a big chess piece, Olive Snape and Hermione Granger isn't hurt but I am dropping off Ronald and taking the other two to McGonagall." My dad, Hermione, and I all walked out of the hospital wing and to McGonagall. "Minerva."
"What did these two do?"
"Nothing I just had to bring them to you, also you will find out later at the feast." With that my dad left and Hermione and I were left with McGonagall.
"Where is Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley?"
"Ron is in the hospital wing, and Harry is with Dumbledore." McGonagall, Hermione, and I all walked out of her office and to the feast. Ron and Harry were already there waiting for us, we sat down and saw the Great Hall was decorated with Green and Silver decorations which means Slytherin won the House Cup.
"Settle Down children, I must award some more points to a few students." "Mr. Potter I award you ten points for saving something that belonged to me and a friend, Miss. Granger I award you ten points for paying attention in potions to know which is the correct potion for fire resistance, Mr. Weasley I award you fifteen points for the best played chess game ever known, Miss. Snape I award you ten points for being honest."
"Guys we are only ten points away from winning."
"And finally I award Mr. Longbottom for sticking up against his friends, Mr. Longbottom that takes courage I award you fifteen points."
"I guess a little change in decorations is in order." He waved his hand and all of the decorations turned from Green and Silver to Red and Gold. Dumbledore sent us all to bed we went to sleep woke up the next morning and had to take the Hogwarts Express back to Kings Cross Station.
"Bye Ronald, Hermione, Harry, Fred, and George."
"Bye Olive," all of them said in unison. I walked out with my mom and my dad. My dad was pushing my luggage and we walked out of Kings Cross Station and he grabbed my luggage out of the trolley. He grabbed the handle and pulled it beside a car and I grabbed my owl and my mom's hand, my dad grabbed my arm and we apparated to our house.

A/N: This is the last chapter in this book, but there will be another one based on the second book. So yeah I just will need some time before starting book two. So please just give me some time, like maybe after thanksgiving. Thank you for being awesome readers and reading my books. I love you all.
        Allyson-- Fishy0423

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