Chapter 9

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      I went into the girls dorm and fell asleep. I woke up and walked down to the common room. No one is down here so I sat down and opened my charms book. I saw that Ron was walking down the steps from the boys dorm. "Hey Ron."
"Hey Olive." I looked down at my charms book and was quite. "Olive are you okay?" He sat down next to me and put his arm around me  "Olive are you okay?"
"I am okay Ron." He got up and Hermione and Harry walked down. I closed my charms book and went down to breakfast with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I grabbed toast and ate that and my dad was looking at me with a weird look. I walked out of the Grand hall by myself. I tried to walk to the Gryffindor common room but then my wrist was grabbed and I was being pulled. "DAD HELP ME DAD!"
         Snape's POV
  I heard Olive screaming and I ran out of the Grand hall and down corridors. I finally saw her feet being dragged. I ran where I saw her and there she was now lying on the ground by herself no one there with her. I saw a figure in front of me and Olive. Then I heard someone running down the corridor. It was Draco Malfoy. "Draco take Olive into the common room."
"I am not allowed into her common room."
"I know take her to yours." I watched him pick her up and run. "Lumos!" There was no one there. I ran to the Slytherin common room and I saw Olive on the couch and Draco holding her hand I walked over to them and saw she was bleeding on her arm.
"What Draco?"
"I like your daughter and I am scared to death for her."
"Thank you."
"We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey." I grabbed my daughter and I ran to the Hospital Wing with Draco running to catch up to me. "Madam Pomfrey."
"What is the matter Draco?"
"It's not me look at Olive."
"What happened to her?"
"I watched Olive walk out of the Grand hall by herself and it looked like she was gonna to the common room. Then I heard her screaming for me and I ran to find her. When I did she was laying on the floor by herself and a tall figure was standing in front of me and Olive. Then thank goodness for Draco because he came running down the hall and grabbed her like I told him to and ran her to the common room. When I got back to the common room I realized she was bleeding and Draco had an idea to bring her down here and now here we are." I looked over at Draco and he looked like wanted to cry. "Madam Pomfrey maybe Olive should stay in the hospital wing."
"Yes, I think that would be a good idea." I left with Draco and we went to the Slytherin common room. I made sure Draco was in the Common Room and I walked out of there. I decided to owl Olive's mom.

          Hello Sweetie,
    Our daughter has gotten hurt a lot. She has passed out a few times and she has been told to stay in her common room because of recent events. Today she was taken. She was walking out of the Grand Hall from eating breakfast and was taken. I got to her before anything happened. Draco Malfoy also has helped her this school year so far. Olive has a few people crushing on her. I do feel bad for her though. She was put in Gryffindor and has Harry Potter in her house.I think that Olive might not be able to get this school year done and over with, with everything going on this school year so far. Anyways Olive is in the Hospital wing now and I think I am just gonna have her stay. I just think that would just be safer for her.

    Olive's POV
I woke up in the hospital wing. Why am I here? I asked myself. I looked around no one was here for me. I looked again and saw Draco walking around. "D-Draco?"
"Olive you are awake!" He ran over to me and kissed my forehead. "I will go and get your dad." I watched him leave and I looked down at my arm. I saw there was a bruise and dried blood.
"Ahhhh." Draco ran back in.
"What is wrong?"
"My arm what happened?"
"I will explain later I am gonna get your dad." This time he ran out of the Hospital Wing and came back 10 minutes later with my dad.
"Olive your awake."
"Dad I am scared I wanna go home."
"Olive listen we are going home over Christmas holiday."
"Okay, Dad I also want to go back to classes even if that means having the head boy or prefect walk me to classes."
"Olive let me think about it."
"What happened to my arm?"
"The person who was dragging you away hurt you while you were being dragged." I let out a breath that sounded like I was about to cry because I was but then Draco came to the other side of the bed and made me move over a little bit. He got into the bed and held me like Ron did. "Olive I think I will go talk to Dumbledore about you and the recent events." I watched my dad walk out of the hospital wing. I then let my emotions go and started to cry.

      Draco's POV
  I decided to rock Olive because she was crying.  "Olive it will be okay I promise you that." "Olive please stop crying I am here for you." "Olive please stop crying it is okay." She finally stopped crying.
"Draco I like you."
"Olive I like you too but get some rest please."
"Okay." I watched her fall asleep and I just sat there

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