Chapter 12

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                                           Olive's POV
               I watched Quirll run out of the dungeons. "OLIVE EVA SNAPE!"
"I am sorry dad I thought that I could protect you."
"Dad I am sorry I felt that you are more important."
"Dad I am sorry."
"Draco and I were walking to go back to the hospital wing. Then Draco saw Quirll and he pulled me into him so Quirll wouldn't see us. He then said that next time he would be dead he promised. Then he started to walk down to the dungeons. I ran to catch him to make sure he didn't hurt you. When I saw that you were in your office and not the classroom I started to make sure he wouldn't get to you."
"Olive you need to stop protecting me. I am your dad I should be protecting you."
"Olive can we talk about this later?"
"Yeah we can."
"Draco take her to the hospital wing this time."  Draco grabbed my hand and walked me to the hospital wing. I sat on the bed and grabbed out my book for charms.
"Yes, Olive."
"Why do I keep ending up in the hospital wing?"
"I don't know Olive I wish I did." Draco hugged me. "Olive I have a lot of homework to do I am gonna go and do my homework.
"Okay Draco." He walked out of the hospital wing and I fell asleep.

                                         Draco's POV
       I decided to do something I normally don't do. I decided to Owl my father.
      Hello Father
I am having a great time at Hogwarts but I have met this girl named Olive. She has been really nice to me but she isn't in my house. I have tried everything. Her dad is Professor Snape. I do know that I am scared for Olive's life and I don't know why. I am asking you to explain why I am scared for her.

   I walked out again and down to Professor Snape's office. "Draco what are you doing down here again?"
"Why does she feel she has to protect you?"
"I am her dad she feels she has to protect me because I have protected her with my life."

                              Hermione's POV
      I feel really bad for Olive. I am so mad at Ron he hurt her feelings and now she doesn't even want him down there. When Draco told me she was in the hospital wing I actually almost cried. I really hate Draco but Olive likes him so I am trying to be nice. He also has saved her more than once. I am scared that Harry, Ron, and I are gonna lose her to Draco. I want to talk Olive. "Hey Harry and Ron I am gonna go and study in the library."
"Okay have fun studying like always." Jeez Ron is so annoying at the moment. I pushed open the portrait hole, and walked out. I walked down to the hospital wing to see Draco and Olive talking. I stopped and waited by the doors. I saw Snape coming to the hospital wing.
"Professor, Draco is talking to her at the moment."
"Okay Miss. Granger." Snape waited with me to see Olive.
"Professor you can go first before me." He looked at me.
"Really, Thank you Miss. Granger." I smiled at him.

You're welcome." I watched Draco walk out of the hospital wing. "Go ahead Professor."
"Thank you Miss. Granger."
"Listen Granger, just because you let Snape go to see his daughter first doesn't mean that he likes you."
"Listen Malfoy, just because you're friends with Olive doesn't mean I like you." He rolled his eyes and walked away. Professor Snape walked out and looked at me.
"Miss. Granger please watch after my daughter when she is going to classes and in the common room."
"Wait is she allowed out of the hospital wing?"
"Yeah I just said she could but you better watch her or it will be bad for you for the rest of your years in my class."   
"Okay Professor." I went into the room and saw Olive sitting there still looking happy. "Hi Olive how are you?"
"I am great." "Hermione how is Ron?" I looked at her with a shocked look.
"How is Ron?"
"He is okay I guess." I looked at her. "Olive, Ron is a mess."
"What do you mean he is mess?"
"He isn't the same since you yelled at him."
"My dad told me I am allowed to get out of here."

                                     Olive's POV
    "I am leaving Madam Pomfrey!" Instead of waiting for her answer I grabbed Hermione's wrist and ran her to the Gryffindor tower.
"If you say so." The portrait lady said and flung open. I ran into the common room and saw Ron on the couch.
"Oh Ron I have missed you." I ran to Ron and have him a big hug. He hugged me back.
"Olive, why did you get so sentimental?"
"Draco is my friend."
"Okay I understand I am sorry that I was so rude to him. I didn't realize how much he meant to you."
"Ron do you know how I felt after yelling at you."
"No I don't."
"I felt terrible after you guys left I started to cry." I saw Ron look at me. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something. "Ron before you speak let me finish. Then Draco came in and saw me crying."
"I am sorry Olive I really am." I opened my mouth to talk. "Olive please don't talk at the moment. I feel really bad for the trouble I have caused I just was je-well never mind." I looked at him then to Hermione. I got up and went to the girls dormitories. I grabbed my wand and my charms book and then went out of the dorms and walked into the common room.
"Who wants to practice charms?"

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