Chapter 18

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         Olive's POV
  I woke up the next morning and I was the first up. I walked down the steps and sat in my chair next to the non-existent fire at the moment. I put my head in my knees while sitting on my chair. I heard footsteps coming down the steps and into the common room. I looked up and it was Ron and Harry. "I heard what you guys said about me last night."
"What," Ron looked dumbfounded. Harry was at a lost for words. I pushed myself past them and up the stairs and I put on my robes, brushed my hair and teeth, grabbed my wand and my school bag, put my wand in my bag, and walked down the steps and to the portrait hole and out the portrait hole. I walked down the moving staircases and to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sat down and ate by myself until Ron, Harry, and Hermione came to the hall to eat I finished my food and got up as they were sitting down. This seemed to draw the attention of several students and some of the professor's. I walked out carrying my school bag. I heard footsteps behind me and it was Draco and my dad. My dad made me and Draco walk down to my dads classroom.
"What was that all about," my dad asked me in his teaching voice.
"It's nothing dad."
"No, Olive it is clearly something," Draco said in a weird voice that I have never heard him talk in before.
"Fine, Ron, Harry, and Hermione don't think I tell them the truth." I pushed past both of them but they both grabbed one of my arms. "Dad, Draco let me go."
"No," Draco and my dad said in unison. I shrugged them off.
"Draco, listen to me, there is no easy way to say this, but I can't date you yet." Draco let go of my arm, my dad let go of my other arm and I walked out of the classroom. I walked up the steps and past a bunch of students going to potions.
"Oh my goodness, I hate potions I hate Snape. I hate anyone with the name of Snape," Cho Chang said in a whisper to her friends. I walked past them and out to Herbology. I walked down the stairs and went to one of the greenhouses. I saw Ron and Hermione were working together and Harry wasn't working with anybody. I quickly ran to Harry and took out my book.
"Hey, Harry."
"Hi, Olive."
"Harry I have something I need to tell you guys."
"Tell me now."
"I was dating Draco, but I broke up with him." I turned to face him and he grabbed my shoulders.
"Listen you shouldn't have broken up with him."
"I know I shouldn't have and I wanna go and talk to him."
"Talk to him after lunch." He moved his hands, "Look at me, it shouldn't matter if Ron, Hermione, and I don't like him."
"I know, thanks Harry." I hugged him quickly and we got to work. Herbology was over and I ran to the school, I was in the corridor. "Hey, Pansy, have you seen Draco?"
"Yeah, he just left potions."
"Thank you." I ran past the group of Slytherin's and I saw Draco walking up the stairs. "DRACO, I need to talk to you."
"No, I don't want to talk to you." I grabbed him.
"Listen, I was upset I am sorry."
"Olive, I don't like not being your boyfriend."
"Then be my boyfriend." He hugged me and I hugged him back. "I am really sorry." We broke our hug and he walked to a different classroom and I was walking to potions. I walked down the steps and saw that all of the Ravenclaw people were already at potions and they were with me in Herbology. I also saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione down there talking to each other. I walked over to them, "Hello Ron, Harry, and Hermione."
"Olive, Hello," Hermione said in a squeaky voice.
"Look, Ron, Hermione I was hiding something from you guys, I am telling you now I am was dating Draco Malfoy, we broke up and I am now dating him again and I am really sorry."
"Look, Olive, I wasn't mad and I am not mad now either." My dad opened the door and we all walked in. I sat down and my dad looked at me.
"Okay, students make me a potion." Hermione and I rose our hands. "Any questions?" "None how sad."
"Now Miss Snape is that how you talk to your professors, ten points from Gryffindor."
"Ugh Professor please I have a question."
"Miss. Snape stop talking out in my class." I immediately shut up and Hermione put her hand down. That put me in a mood for the rest of the class. I continued my potion and the bell rang, "Miss. Snape may I speak with you?"
"Yes, Professor Snape."
"Do you want us to wait?"
"No, Hermione you guys go to our next class and I will meet you guys there." They turned around and walked out of the classroom.
"Olive, what was that?"
"Dad, I am sorry, I really had a question and you just ignored me like I wasn't there."
"Don't Olive me, I rose my hand I waited patiently, until you basically said to the class without actually saying it that Hermione and I weren't there, and you couldn't see our hands in the air."
"Olive, sweetie, I am sorry." Before I knew it I was being pulled into one of my dad's hugs.  "Olive, go to your next class I have class and well we don't need any kids seeing us since not a lot of people know we are father and daughter." I gave him a nod and walked out. I walked to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. I get to see Draco in this class. I walked into the class and sat next to Ron.
"Good morning students, we will be working in pairs today." All of the students groaned in response. "Some of the Gryffindor's will be working with some of the Slytherin's."
"Ron, this isn't good Hermione could be paired with Pansy."
"Miss. Snape and Mr. Malfoy." "Miss. Granger and Mr. Weasley." "Miss. Parkinson and Mr. Potter." "Everyone is in pairs, now on a piece of parchment I want you to write and essay on what you and your partner think of when you here Defense Against the Dark Arts means to you-" Hermione rose her hand. "Yes, Miss. Granger?"
"Shouldn't we have done that already?"
"Yes, but we have been doing something else."
"Alright Professor Quirrell."
"As I was saying just write the essay and it is due on Thursday." I rose my hand. I heard him take in a breath. "Yes, Miss. Snape," he said in an annoyed voice.
"The only problem with some Gryffindor's working with some Slytherin's is that we can't work together."
"Did you forget the school has a Library?" I was getting really annoyed now. I thought to myself, "Just wait until I tell my dad."

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