Chapter 3

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  I sat down on the couch with Ron and Hermione sat opposite of us. Hermione grabbed a map out of her bag and opened it. Ron looked at the map while I was doing my homework. "Hermione, Ron I am going to bed."
"Okay Olive." They both said in unison.

                          Ron's POV
          All I could think of was Olive she is so beautiful with October coming she talks a lot more about her dad.  I wonder if she is staying for Christmas Holiday.  "Hermione?"
"Yes Ron."
"Is Olive staying for the Christmas holiday?"
"I don't know honestly. Why?"
"It don't matter."
I walked around the common room wondering how Harry was. Hermione was in bed and so was Olive I have no one to talk to. It was midnight I decided it was probably best to go to bed.
                                    Olive's POV
   I woke up earlier then anyone else I looked at the time. I might as well wake Hermione. "Hermione wake up we will be late if you don't."
I walked down and into the common room I saw Ron standing there. While Hermione was running around like a chicken with its head cut off I walked over to Ron. Since October is here now things are hectic. When Hermione came back from running around we walked down to breakfast. "Poor Harry."
"Hermione he will be fine trust me I know."
"Yes Hermione."
"Look behind you."
It was Harry I got out of my seat and ran to him. "Harry you're okay." I hugged him tightly.
"Olive are you okay? You never have hugged me this tightly."
"I am fine it was just Hermione, Ron, and I were nervous."
"Ron, Hermione, and Olive we have to go to class." The October feast will be here soon and I can't wait. As we were on our way to our class Harry, Hermione, and Ron walked and I stopped because I heard something. It was Draco Malfoy.
"Olive can I ask you something?"
"Yeah but make it quick."
"Do you think you can help me with our Charms stuff?"
"I understand you don't want to help me I will just go find someone else."
"Wait no Draco, I will help you but please don't say anything to Harry, Hermione, and Ron."
"Deal, Olive why are you in Gryffindor?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why did the sorting hat put you in Gryffindor?"
"I don't know, why?"
"I know Professor Sn-"
"No one knows and I know I should have been put into Slytherin but I am Gryffindor. Why Does it bother you so much?"
"Olive it bothers me because of the whole thing with Professor Snape being your dad you should have been in Slytherin with him but he is mad that you are in Gryffindor."
"Draco why are you telling me this right now."
"Because you have a right to know."
"Know what?"
"I will explain later we have to get to our classes."
I ran to find Harry, Hermione, and Ron when Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came walking by.
"Olive Eva Snape why are you running through the halls?"
"Sorry Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape it won't happen again." Why did I have to be busted by my dad. As I walking to class I heard something out of the ordinary. I walked into someone.
"What are you doing down here?"
I didn't recognize the voice and I ran. "DAD!!!!"
"Olive what is wrong?"
"Strange voice coming from an empty classroom asking who I was."
"I will tell Professor Dumbledore after I walk you to class."
"Yes Olive."
"The voice I heard didn't sound like someone from Hogwarts it sounded like someone got into the school through a secret passageway or something."
"Olive we aren't going to your class you are going to go to Dumbledore now and tell him."
"He is gonna wonder why I wasn't in class."
"Yeah I know and I am to."
"Draco stopped me and wanted to talk to me so I talked to him and I was going to class when I was running and you were with Professor McGonagall. Then I took a wrong turn and didn't know where I was until I heard the voices and ran to you."
"I need to talk to Professor Dumbledore."
"Who is it."
"It is Professor Snape and Olive Snape."
"Okay come on in." My dad and I walked into Professor Dumbledore's office and we sat down. "So what brings the Snape's here today?"
"I- um heard voices down on the first floor."
"Well why weren't you in Herbology?"
"I'm it is a long story."
"Okay so Draco Malfoy stopped me and asked me if I can help him with charms stuff I told him yeah and then I looked to see the time and I realized I had to go to Herbology so I ran to get to Herbology when I ran into Professor McGonagall and my dad. I think I took a wrong turn and I heard a voice that said "What are you doing down here?" So I ran because I was scared and yelled for my dad and here we are now."
"Oh okay we will have people looking about the school." As he was saying this he looked like he was so nervous.
"Miss. Snape you must go to class."
"But Professor Dumbledore I think I need to know what is happening I am the one who saw it all."
"Olive Eva Snape listen to Dumbledore."
"But Dad-"
"Don't but dad me I am the father you are my child listen to Dumbledore."
"Ugh fine."
"Olive don't give me sass or you will go home for the Christmas holiday and can't owl anyone except me."
"Okay dad well I will go back to the common room."
"Go to the common room you have to you can't go to class that are probably after you because you know about it.

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