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i don't know why, but when i got home from hanging out with phil and his friends i just felt like collapsing, dying, suffering, and all for the wrong reasons.

i hate myself to much to still be here and all of phil's friends are way to amazing and perfect to the point where i felt like shit compared to them.

my eyes were heavy as they lifted from my feet, trying to get up from the curled ball and i was sitting in the corner of my room.

my eyed fought tears as i got up, tripping over my own feet, and slouching over to the desk that was in the opposite corner.

parting my chapped lips, i opened the right drawer and took out the rubber bands that were under a few notebooks, wrapping them around my wrists and sighing, shutting my eyes tightly.

i snapped it once and bit my bottom lip to fight the scream that was forming in the back of my throat.

i snapped it once, again and again and again to the point where it started to bleed and i couldn't take the pain anymore.

i cried quietly, sitting down on my bed and wrapping my duvet around my shoulders.

"dan?" my mum's voice piped from my locked and closed door.


"are you alright?"

"i'm fine." i lied, i never liked lying to her.

i heard her footsteps leave and i laid down, facing my bay window where i could see the moon. i tried to fight my sleep but it overcame and i slept like those nights when my father comes over, like all of those nights all over again except worse.

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