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"phil!" dan said, sitting up from his bed and falling off.

"dan! are you okay? what's going on with you?" i asked, moving over to the small boy that was star struck and jumped slightly when my hand brushed his arms.

"dan?" i asked, hoping i could make out words from him.

"why did you follow me here and how did you get in." he asked, looking around and too the window, too scared to even stand still. 

i turned around to see if anyone was here and could possibly hear us, "i snuck in here, is anyone else here besides me and you?" i asked and looked into his chocolate eyes.

"yes, my mum is." he said, looking sadder when he said those words.

i pulled him up from where he was sat on the ground and made him sit back down on his bed, walking over to the door and closing it and also making sure it was locked before i walked back over to dan and sat down next to him. i noticed his face was pale and his lips were a slight touch of purple and blue, making my heart sink and wonder what he did when he was completely alone. 

he came back to reality and looked down at himself, blushing before he turned and stood up. "don't' go anywhere and don't turn around, please." he said and went somewhere behind me, most likely the closet, which made me laugh slightly for some reason.

a few minutes later he came back in a long grey sweater that met his mid knees and i was positive he didn't have anything on besides boxers under the big sweater. he was definitely eye catching and breathtaking, he cleaned up well and he could possibly be a popular student if he actually tried to talk to people at school besides our few friends.

"dan, why do you even wear girly type things anyways? there's nothing wrong with that but i'm just curious." i asked and his eyes found mine again.

he yawned before he replied monotone like, "i prefer these things, they make me happier than boys clothes have ever made me, but i still like myself and what i am if that makes sense and i don't really give a fuck about what other people think. if they want to be assholes then let them be assholes." he explained.

i smiled and dan kept on yawning, looking more tired after each one. "u-um, phil. do you want to stay over since you kind of can't leave." dan asked, looking over to the clock which read 3:34 a.m.

"sure." i chuckled and dan got up before quickly turned off the light and laid down in his bed, awkwardly leaving a space for me and i guessed he's probably never had someone spend the night. like ever. i laid down next to him, wrapping my arms around his torso and pulling his warm body closer.
i woke up, looking to the small boy beside me and i smiled, running my hands through his hair and snuggling closer to him, appreciating his body warmth. it was like i was holding a porcelain doll and if i broke him there was no going back to fixing him again. like he was a meter and if you got him to the highest point he would fall back down again.

i heard faint footsteps coming upstairs and towards dan's room. "dan? are you awake? i'm sorry about yesterday." his mom said through the door.

i quickly and silently, got up and failed miserably because right when i got up off the bed it creaked and dan shifted. i grabbed my shoes from his bedside and opened his bedroom window, which shockingly didn't have a window. most likely meaning that someone could get in easily. or out easily.

"dan, i'm coming inside." his mom twisted the doorknob and i dove out of the window and onto the roof, almost slamming my fingers when i closed the window. i wanted to stay here and watch what was going on in his room but since my car was out in plain sight in the front and i didn't want to get caught here thinking i was some stalker.

i dropped down from the roof, swinging my car keys around my finger when from the corner of my eye i saw carson and tanner walking down the sidewalk. they're hands were shoved in their jean pockets and they were staring right at me. i wanted to go back inside dan's house and make sure he's safe but then i remembered his mom was there to do that so that made my worrying slightly stop.

as i drove away, i watched as carson and tanner were still walking down the streets, watching me like a hawk luring in it's prey.

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