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when i woke up everything hurt all the way down from the hairs on my head to the very tips of my toes. and this was all them bitches faults. and i somehow felt like it was mine also, even more than theirs.

and that's when it hit me. if i just left them alone, i wouldn't be here in this hospital bed, connected to these thousands of tubes and barely being able to breathe and function my life. i could barely move, barely lift my hand without shaking it.

i looked over to see my mum sitting on a chair, staring at me suddenly with her full brown eyes. "oh daniel, you're awake!" she exclaimed. i didn't know she was the one that saved me and brought me here, she saved my life.

"you're the one that h-helped me." i choked.

she looked confused for a moment and reached out to stroke my hand, "he's the one that saved you." she said and motioned to the boy that was sitting next to her. and there he was, phil motherfucking lester, sitting right next to my mum because he was the one that saved my life.

the boy, the one that dragged me out here to almost get killed, was the one that saved my life. god this boy was so bipolar. first he was helping with my death and then he's rushing me to the hospital. i didn't understand what was wrong with him.

and then my fear kicked in and my hands started shaking and i tried to cover it up with my blanket. "daniel, this boy tells me he saved your life from his friends after they hurt you like this," she motioned to my body, "is that true?"

No, it's not damn true. "yeah." was all i forced from the air inside my broken chest. i just lied and defended someone who i couldn't even stand looking at. this was something serious, something his friends could go to jail for. possibly?

"so is he your friend?" she asked another question. i didn't like these questions since they hurt me every time i moved or spoke. but i still shook my head to the sides.

"then why did he save you?" she asked and looked at phil with a nervous expression on her face.

"people don't have to save others just because they know them. they should do it so the world is safer." i said to her and took a big and deep breath that caused my rib cage to burn and fall into millions of pieces. i didn't want to breathe anymore because whenever i did i felt like i was either going to pass out or throw up.

i didn't want either of them to be here at this moment. i wanted to be alone to drown in my sorrows and scream in pain alone. it was too much and there was already negativity in the room from me and phil. he was the last person i wanted to see, so why did he save me?

at this point i don't even think i want to be saved, i could be dead and no one would even know or care. my mum would cry for a week and then forget in her one night stands. that just how everything went for my mum, make love and forget.

i wanted them both out of my sight, especially phil. i couldn't stand looking at him and thinking about vomiting. and i knew doing that would make me hurt more, so much that it could kill me from the pain because i knew i was far from recovering. so that's what i did. i turned my head slowly and looked straight into his eyes.

they were three colors, colors i always found amazing. sky blue, forest green and a tiny speckle of the sun. those were colors that went on every canvas, belonged on every canvas. colors were a wild thing to me, they expressed my opinion. like blue was when I was sad, green was when I was confused, red and purple were mad, yellow and orange was calm and pink was flirtatious. i liked the whole rainbow the most.

"daniel?" my mum questioned and i slowly turned to her. i raised my eyebrows as to express that i was listening to her.

she opened her mouth to speak before the doctor came inside the room, "mrs howell, you and mr lester will have to leave. dan needs his x-rays and then he needs to speak with a few people when he's finished." she said and gave us a weak smile.

phil stood up, without looking at me and exited the room as fast as he could. if he wanted to leave then why did he stay in the first place? my mum stood and gripped my hand before walking out of the room, not glancing back to me.

i was tested on my health and was asked how things were going so far. "do you know when i'm going to be released?" i asked her. she bit her lip and tried to keep working like she didn't hear me.

"tell me." i pressured. she picked up her tray of utensils and turned to me before taking a deep breath, "in about eight weeks." she said before turning to the door to let someone inside from a faint knock that just came from the other side.

i couldn't be in here for eight damn weeks. eight damn weeks. i was going to rip off my face from boredrum before i left. and i didn't have my backpack with all my things because i'm sure my mum was at home at the moment burning them in the fireplace. a police officer walked into the room and my heart skipped two beats. i didn't do anything wrong and i didn't want to be in jail when i was out of this hospital.

"relax, daniel. i'm not here for any trouble." he said as he pulled up a chair and the nurse left the room so it was just me and him.

"what are you here for? what happened?" i asked and adjusted myself so i was sitting up.

"i'm just here to ask questioning about what happened last night." he said and grabbed a clipboard and a pen out from his jacket.

"okay." was all i said, already wanting this over. "well let's start off with what happened." he said and clicked his pen.

i took a long shaky breath, i was beyond scared now because i know that if I told him the truth my head would be on carson and tanner's wall. but if i lied i could get in serious trouble for lying to a cop, "me and a friend went to a party with these other friends but little did i know i only went because they weren't finished with me." i crossed my arms.

"what are these people's names and give me more details." he said and wrote something down quickly. 

"phil lester was the one i went with and we met carson chanel and tanner wescot at Tanner's house." He was writing down everything as I spoke but he stopped briefly when I said carson's name.

"is something wrong?" i asked him.

"who were the one's that did this to you?" he avoided my question. "carson and tanner. phil didn't do anything." i lied. all phil did was watch, but he saved me so i guess i owed him. 

"and phil's the one that brought you here?" he asked and pushed his glasses up to his nose. i nodded in reply and looked away from his eyes, they looked too much like carson's.

he sighed and hid his clipboard in his jacket and stood up, making his way to the door and opening it, "we're not done with this, howell." he said and left the room, letting the door click shut behind him.

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