chapter 13: Only white skinny people?

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Ok this chapter is about how it makes me so angry that the world in fan/teen fiction is always run by White people, I will describe multiple things and multiple examples here and this chapter is going to be very long so grab a soda and popcorn whatever you need and enjoy this huge chapter. I'm not trying to offend people but I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets angry that people act like the only way to have a good fanfic or for people to be beautiful is to have them be white and skinny, and if they aren't skinny they are all insecure and annoying, and if they do add other races they are all stereo typical here let me give an example of what a book with other races and body types looks like:

Hi im Eeeeeiiiishaaheeiisha and i am so fat so i cry all the time cause thats what fat people do we all have depression. then i saw a ratchet black girl brushing her weave then she told me we were under attck by Arabs and then an Asian came up eating noodles then he doubled the size of the bowl, stripped and bathed in ramen then he woke up doing homework and then this crazy Hispanic came up and smashed a taco into my face whilst an Egyptian came out doing that weird egyptian walk and i dyde because i crazy black girl wuz runnin around with fried chiken and smashed one in mah face and drowned me in Kool-Aid....

Stop. So first off, overweight people do not cry all the time! Black girls aren't ratchet and they do not run around with fried chicken and Kool-Aid what even, Egyptians do not do that weird walk! (Being Egyptian myself i know that) Asians aren't obsessed with noodles and homework, and for the love of pizza leave Arabs alone! They aren't terrorists! And Hispanics are not running around crazy with tacos and burritos! CASE CLOSED!

Here's how a book goes with an overweight girl:

so liek i dont got no thigh gap no flat tumy so that means i'm ugly (no it doesn't) then i went into the bathroom and cried and flailed my arms around then i went to school and harry stylerz came up omg so harreh had the perfect life (stop i'm annoyed already, nobody has the perfect life so just stop) and he held me while i wept n played guitar sayin u dunno ur bootyful then i fell on da flor n passed out cuz he complemented me and i'm angry! den da next day i was not insekyur n i got married 2 harry styiyulz.

Ugh don't even start! Overweight girls aren't like that, they do not always cry, they don't always have depression, they aren't always grieving about not being skinny, and they sure as heck aren't ugly! So gosh dangit make a book with a confident overweight girl, because if you always make the overweight girls an insecure mess then the overweight girls reading your book might feel bad. Just no. Make the girl have a good self-esteem.

Black girl storyline:

walkin down da hallz wit mah weave got puld off by Da-Ding so i slapped him with mah iPhone 8s then shoved fried chicken in his face and and yelled "I AINT WORY BOUT NON" IN HIS FACE! you gonna stop?*click* or nah!? then i thru him in my pool of Kook-Aid, den harreh stylurz married meh for mah sassy attitude! BTW i wore a cowgirl dress for mah wedding!

Dude stop! I am black and that's not how I act! Not all black girls wear weaves! I have braids! And so do a lot of my black friends! Or they wear their hair natural or they get it flat ironed etc. and what the heck is with the iPhone 8S? It is true that we black girls can be very very sassy but not as sassy as they make us in books. And we are not always dressed as ratchet cowgirls what dafook? And fried chicken and Kool-Aid? What even? Tut tut tut

Storyline with Asians:

I woke up in a bowl of ramen and drank it all and ate the noodles. Then I went to school, yeah I get straight A's because I'm smart because I'm Asian hahaahhahahahahaahhahahahahhahahaha! And I ate noodles for lunch yum yum yum yum yum then Harry Styles the school's bad boy married me three years later because I don't know.

Ugh, just writing that example gave me a headache, like seriously, we all should know that Asians are not like that, they most certainly do not wake up in a bowl of ramen, they do not all get straight A's, they do not always eat noodles some don't even eat noodles at all.

Don't even get me started on how they portray Arabs


Hola i am Juana and i like tacoz so i woke up on a burrito and smashed tacoz on everyones faces. then one day me and my friends were very crazy and we went to da kichen and made a huge tortilla and toasted it then we got a huge supply of frijoles (beans) then added the salsa and then cheese and then we had a huge takotoh grande then we stood over the United Kingdom and smashed everyone so it killed them but we saved Juan-Direction and they sang What Makes You Burrito and we got married. The End.

Yeah that's pretty much how they portray Hispanics. Leave Hispanics alone, they are not crazed people running around with tacos and seriously I did see a book with "Juan-Direction" I even saw a book where One Direction was the same except they were Mexican! Mexican! And Justin Bieber was Japanese! and the book wasn't even for jokes, people were saying the book didn't make sense and the author was protesting rudely that the book wasn't a joke and then she actually thought that Justin Bieber was Japanese and that One Direction were Mexicans? What the?.. What's next? A Filipino Nicki Minaj? People need to get real.

Hey guys. Yeah, I hate stereotypes and no integration. I'll try to update later.

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