Chapter 29: What the heck? Get your info correct

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So this chapter has to do with something that happens in some fanfictions, and the authors may think it is cool, but it isn’t.

That moment in fanfics when they take celebrities, but they portray them as someone completely different, like, for example. Say you take Justin Bieber, but instead of him being Canadian in the fanfic, you make him Chinese because you think that that will make your fanfic look interesting.

It doesn’t, it makes you look like you do not know anything about the people you are talking about. I do not mind if you make Justin have a brother who is Chinese but do not make Justin any race other than his original race.

And don’t even get me started on how I have seen One Direction portrayed as in like, 10 fanfics. Those fanfics where they are named.

“Juan Direction” and Harry Styles becomes “Hari Stailess” and Niall Horan becomes “Naiahal Jorquwan” and Zayn Malik is “Zain Malek” Louis Tomlinson is “Luis, or Lui Tomalson.” And Liam Payne becomes “Liamo Panye” seriously? You’re making them Hispanic?

Then they are portrayed as these weird looking people. Like, the storyline is amazing but the author appears to not know who everyone is.

Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry, are portrayed as fat Hispanics. What the fook? Here, let me give you some examples that I have had copied down for a while.

1.       “Jojojojo” Hari laughed, his jolly big stomach bouncing as he took another bite of a taco, I looked over at Zain, Luis, and Liamo. Who were watching footbol Americano.


2.       I ran my hand through Liamo’s flat black matted hair, whilst tracing patterns on his dark skin, looking at his round stomach.


3.       Liamo, Zain, Hari, and Luis were sooo handsome, they had black matted hair, jolly big stomachs. And dark skin, they were Mexican and they taught me Spanish.


No no no no no nononononnonnonoonnonononnnonoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck? Those books that I read, they weren’t humor books. The authors were like

“I love the band Juan Direction! That’s their name right?” I mean, I seriously do not get where they got that info from! And where they got the “info” that Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis are fat Hispanics.

Where’s Niall and what is he? You may ask. *deep breath* the sad truth, I do not know if this is supposed to be offensive in these stories, but it feels offensive.

Niall is portrayed as……………… here let me check. Ok *deep breath* he is portrayed as..

*drum roll* example first.

1. I looked at Naiahal, he was so handsome! I admired the way he was sooo scrawny, the way his coal black skin was so amazing, the way his crooked blue teeth sparkled in the moonlight and his scraggly afro looked. I think I might be falling for him. Right now he was eating weird shrimp with barbeque sauce. #yolo #sawgahbaby

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what the heck was that? And the final answer is. Niall Horan is portrayed as a scrawny coal-black African with blue crooked teeth, and he is obsessed with shrimp. What the actual fook?

This is really disturbing ok? You might think it is funny, but to me it is mostly disturbing and to be honest it kinda creeps me out.

*shudders in disgust*


(A/N: so yeah.. it is just plain weird when they do that in stories, and then when they receive comments saying that it’s weird, the author will claim that they are sure their info in correct. No it isn’t get with the program man! Signature: IdontKnowWhatToSay)

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