Chapter 3: Quidditch and Colds

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5 weeks Later

" I bet you five bucks Potter doesn't make it through the first ten minutes of quidditch." Draco says laughing and looking over at me. "Delena you need to eat you're going to get ill if you don't." He tells me. "Since when do you care about my health. " I say getting up from the table leaving the Great Hall and going to the Owlery to write my mother.

          Dear Mother,
I hope everything is well at home with you and father. Draco and I are having trouble getting along. I wish to see you soon at Christmas.
      Love Delena.

I roll the letter up and tie it too my owl Amor her name means beloved which she is.

I roll the letter up and tie it too my owl Amor her name means beloved which she is

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"Hello Delena!" I turn to see Harry with his owl. "Who is this?" I ask him referring to his owl. "This Hedwig I got her from Hagrid for my birthday. Who is this?" He asks petting Amor. "This is Amor my mother got her for me so when I miss her I can write to her." I tell him and Amor flys off my arm in the direction I guess is Malfoy Manor. "I wanted to wish you luck today in your match against Slytherin." I say and he smiles. "Thank you very much Delena. It means a lot considering this is my first match." He says rubbing his hands together nervously. "It will be okay just focus on the snitch." I tell him and he smiles again. "DELENA YOUR BROTHERS LOOKING FOR YOU!" I hear Crabbe yell and I sigh walking out and down the stairs. "Bloody hell Delena Draco's had me search the whole castle for you." He says. "Say who were you talking to up there?" He adds  "No one Vince!" I say and he smiles. "Nice to know not everyone calls me Crabbe." He says us walking back to the dormitory. "I found her in the Owlery." He says and Draco looks up from his book. "Gave me a right good scare there Delena." He says getting up and hugging me. "Who were you writing too?" He asks me. "I was writing to Mum. " I tell him. "Well we must be going get your scarf and gloves you look ill." He says which I suppose is true I've had a bit of a cough, my nose is stuffed and head is throbbing. "Crabbe, Blaise take her to the nurse she looks I'll. I must go write mother and father that she's ill." He says running out of the room. Crabbe holds one arm and Blaise holds the other arm up to make sure while walking I don't go lightheaded and fall over.  "Madam Pomfrey we think she has a cold but we're not quite sure." Blaise says sitting me down on a bed and Madam Pomfrey places a hand on my forehead. "Oh dear well she has the flu it's kind of like a cold but worse. She'll be as good as new by monday before class." She says "But right now write her parents and tell them she has the Flu." Just then Draco comes running through the door. "I've already written mother and father of your cold. Boys come on." Draco instructs them. "Where are you going?" I ask him. "Quidditch it's Slytherin vs. Gryffindor I want too see it." He says and Blaise follows him. "Crabbe?" I ask and he drops his head following Draco. Great so it's the day of the quidditch game and I'm missing it because of some muggle sickness.

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