Chapter 42: Reunited

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Ginny's  P.O.V
It's been a few months since the Delena and Alecto thing and she refuses to move honestly I don't think it's that, that affected her I think it was everything with Harry leaving all the worry, anger, sadness, and frustration colliding at once. "Hey guys guess who I found wondering around?" Neville asks coming through a portrait in our common room. "Who?" I ask and Harry, Ron, and Hermione step out. "Harry?" I ask and he hugs me. "Harry we have a problem." I tell him and his eyes widen. "Where is Delena?" He asks excited. "That is the problem." I tell him. "She got a punishment for arguing with Alecto and calling Snape a bloody Traitor. She is in a bad place right now." I tell him and he looks like he might cry. "Where is she?" He asks. "In the boys dormitory she's been on your bed not moving for months now." I tell him and he walks past me.
Harry's P.O.V

I walk up to my dormitory and see her laying on my bed facing the other way and I see her ring laying on the bed side table. I can hear her crying quietly and she isn't moving I walk over too her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Go away!" She says. "I've been away for about six​ months now." I say and she turns around. "H-Harry?" She asks and I bend down beside her. "Hey Delena." I say and she throws her arms around my neck. "I missed you so much I've thought of you everyday since I left." I say almost in tears. "I thought something happened to you I thought you'd been hurt or worse." She says crying hugging me tighter. "I would never do that I love you Delena." I tell her picking up the ring putting it back on her finger. "I love you too Harry." She says and I kiss her. "Come on we have to get down to the common room." I say standing up and she tries to and has trouble but eventually gets it placing a hand on my shoulder in case she falls down. "Ron, Hermione?" I ask. "Delena?" Hermione says hugging me and Ron walks over too me. "You look bloody awful Ms. Potter!" Ron says. "And you look like a million galleons." I reply and he laughs. "I missed you Weasley." I say hugging him. " What's our plan Harry?" Ginny asks. "I don't have a plan we're looking for a horcrux it's some kind of artifact." He says and Luna looks up. "The crown of Ravenclaw." She says. "That could be it." I said. "But it's been missing for ages." Cho adds. "No it's in a place where everything is hidden including the room." She said. "It's the room of requirements." I say.
———————————————— "Attention all students are to report to the great Hall." we hear Snape's voice. "We have to put on our robes." I tell them and I throw on one of Harry's Gryffindor ones. We all walk out and start marching down the stairs Harry slipping in beside me grabbing my hand. "It seems that Harry Potter has been spotted on Hogwarts grounds anyone with any knowledge of his where abouts are to report it too me or your just as guilty as him. Please step forward." He says and after a few moments Harry steps out into the isle. "How you stand where he stood? Why don't you tell them how it really happened that night how you killed him." Harry says and looks around at everyone when his back is turned Snape pulls out his wand shooting a curse at Harry but I block it. "Stand back Ms. Malfoy." Snape says and I shake my head. "She's not Ms. Malfoy she is Delena Potter." Harry says and everyone stares at us. "Then you are as guilty as him." Snape points his wand at us and McGonagall steps up pointing her wand at Snape shooting a spell. He turns into black mist and flys out the window with the Carrows. "Filch please escort the slytherin's besides Mrs. Potter to the dungeon." McGonagall says. "Get ready we're about to end this war. Oh Potter it's great to see you." She says turning away. "I agree with her!" I say kissing his cheek. "Now you three go find the ground I'll help McGonagall." I say and he runs. "DELENA!" He tells and I turn. "Yeah?" I ask and he smiles. "I love you." He says and I smile. "I love you too." I say.

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