Chapter 6: The Common Room

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"What on Earth are you doing?" Pansy asks coming in to the common room. "I'm reading a book." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "On a day like today your sitting inside reading a book?" She asks. "Yes I thought we just established that."I tell her. "Come on everyone is outside having fun and your inside reading! You act just like that Gryffindor Granger." She says walking out and Blaise walks in. "That's a good book you're reading." He says and I stare at him. "Have you read it?" I ask and just when I thought there was more too him there isn't. "No I'm not really one for reading." He says. "Then how do you it's a good book if you have never read it?" I ask him. "I don't know I just suppose it is." He says and I stand up. "Goodbye Zabini." I say walking out rolling my eyes. As I'm walking around the castle I continue reading ignoring everything around me. "Ow!" Someone says I apparently ran into them not paying attention. "I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention." I say looking up to see Ronald Weasley. "My bad Ronald!" I say and he sighs. "I hate when people call me Ronald my friends call me Ron!" He states. "Ron got it." I say. "Oh hello Harry." I say as he's walking up to us. "What are y'all two talking about?" He asks. "I was reading and ran into Ron literally." I tell him and he laughs. "Just like Hermione." He says. "I will have you know I do not always have my face buried in a book." She says walking up behind me. "Honestly it's nice to see someone else reading in this school!" She says and I laugh. "Yeah I was in my common room trying to read and couldn't find peace and quiet so I decided to walk around." I tell them. "Delena Narcissa Malfoy!" I hear someone yell and I turn to see Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. "Potter what are you doing with my sister?" Draco asks and I roll my eyes. "I was apologizing for running into Ron. You no something you're not capable of?" I tell him. "Name once." He tells me. "How about when I had the flu that weird muggle sickness and you decided Quidditch was more important then my health." I ask him." Get packing we have to get ready the terms almost over." He says referring to the end of our first year at Hogwarts. "I'm sorry my brother is being his normal self absorbed self I must be going." I tell them walking off. "Delena!"  I turn to see Harry walking up to me. "You dropped your book." He hands it too me going back to Hermione and Ron. "You insufferable little brat." I say walking past Draco making sure too hit his shoulder as hard as I could while trudging back towards the common room. "Delena we need to talk." Draco says following me in to the common room. "I have nothing too say too you Draco." I say walking into the common room. "I think we do so we're going to talk." He orders and I stop too turn around. "Petrificus Totalus" I say pointing my wand at him and he freezes. "You are not our father or mum you may not yell at or order me around. I do not take orders from you." I tell him. "Finite Incantatem." I say unfreezing him and causing him too fall giving me time to run into and lock the door too my dorm. "Alohamora!" He says causing the lock too turn. "How dare you use that spell on me. I am your brother. " He says. "WHO DOESN'T EVEN ACT LIKE A BROTHER. I WAS IN THE INFIRMARY WITH A MUGGLE SICKNESS AND YOU CHOSE TO GO WATCH QUIDDITCH." I yell at him and he freezes again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you." I tell him and he walks out. I throw myself on my bed letting out a sigh. What did I get myself into?

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