Chapter 35: The Truth Sets you Free

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December 27th
Draco's P.O.V

"What do you want Potter?" I ask and he sighs. "Can you give this to Delena for Christmas please?" He asks and I laugh. "Poor chance of that happening your lucky I don't hex you into next week." I tell him turning around when I hear snow crunching which means he left I turn back around and see his footprints leading in a different direction then the great Hall so I decide to follow him. I know he's wearing his invisibility cloak so I follow the footprints. When I reach the end I notice a tree it's not just any tree it's Delena's hanging tree and I hear crying from the other side of the tree. I move closer and reach out removing the cloak revealing Potter.  "Potter what is wrong with you?"K
I ask. "Cho kissed me and I am guessing Delena saw her." He says upset and I sigh. "I honestly don't know what my sister see's in you but you make her happy she unfortunately still love you she just wants to know what really happened." I tell him. "But we leave in an hour" He says. "Geez if only you were sometime of wizard." I say sarcastic and he smiles getting to work.
Delena's P.O.V
"Sis come quick I need your help!" Draco says running in the room grabbing my hand and running out to my special tree. "Did you do this Draco?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Sis I don't like Potter but he treats you better then most men would. " Draco says. "He kissed Cho and seem to be into it." I say tears threatening to fall. "I really wasn't it was nothing like kissing you."I hear and turn to see Harry walking towards me. "You did this?" I ask and he nods. "I didn't kiss her she kissed me I love you Delena you and only you no one else." He says and I smile. "I love you too." I say and he wipes away my tears  hugging me causing me to smile.

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