Chapter 16: Dueling Club

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"ATTENTION!" Professor Dumbledore yells and we all turn to face him. "Due to the level of panic going around I have authorised Professor Snape to start Dueling Club too help you learn to protect yourself from any danger. The first meeting will begin immediately after dinner tonight." I turn too look at Draco. "Are you going to go?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Maybe what about you?" He asks. "I am, I think it's the best way to protect ourselves." I tell him. "If your going I suppose I should." He says and I roll my eyes. "Don't sound so thrilled." I say sarcasticly. "Can I come?" Bianca asks and I nod. "He said it's for any student who wants to attend." I tell her and she smiles. "Don't know why you want to do it in the first place it's idiotic nothing is going to happen it was probably some prank." Draco says. "Well I'm going to try it." I tell him. After another thirty minutes everyone makes their way out of the Great Hall and towards our classes in my case Potions. "Sit!" Snape tells us. "As you all know I will be teaching Dueling Club. I expect to see all of you there." He tells us.
" Now on too our lesson." That's all I heard after that the lesson started and I got really bored. Now it's time for Defense against the dark arts with Lockhart when I get to the classroom I realize we have a ten minutes between classes I turn to walk away but walk into Lockhart. "Ah Ms. Malfoy I know why you're here." He tells me and I raise my eyebrow. "I just I came early by accident." I tell him and he shakes his head. "You want to learn to do the correct wrist movements." He says and I shake my head. "No no I'm good I promise." I tell him and students start coming into the room.
Dueling Club

At 6:30 I walk into the Great Hall to see all the tables lined up together. I look around until I spot Millicent Bullstrode with mg brother and his friends. "Hey Delena!" She says running over too me. " Come over here with us." She says dragging me over beside her and my brother. "Hello students." Snape says. " Today I will be teaching you a simple disarming charm." He adds and Lockhart steps forward. "Just like I used too do when I was preparing for one of my adventures I will be aiding professor Snape in this simple task. No hard feelings Snape?" He asks and I roll my eyes this is going to be hilarious. They stand back to back and step ten paces apart and turn to face each other "EXPELLIARMUS!" Snape yells before Lockhart can lift his wand. "Delena Malfoy, and Vincent Crabbe." Snape says and Crabbe climbs up offering me his hand helping me up. "No hard feelings Delena?" He asks in his fake sappy voice and I smile.
" Ten paces forward now." Snape says and I start walking forward when I'm ten paces forward I turn back to Crabbe . "EXPELLIARMUS." I shout causing his wand to fly out his hand. "Great Job Ms. Malfoy." Snape tells me. "Potter, Draco your up." Snape tells them and they step up onto their tables. "Ten paces forward no rule breaking Potter." Snape says and they turn walking apart in different directions after six paces Draco turns and shoots a spell at Harry causing a snake too come out the wand and towards me. He speaks in what sounds like parseltounge. I stand there frozen Harry Potters a parseltounge

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