Chapter 5: Detention

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Harry's P.O.V

" What made you three believe you have the right to roam the castle at night? Fifty points will be taken from your house each. Along with the four of you getting detention." She says " Excuse me I believe I misheard you did you say four?" Malfoy asks. "No Mr. Malfoy you heard me correct you were also roaming around." She adds. "Wait a minute Professor we have one more." Filch says walking in holding Delena by the arm. "Get your filthy hands off her." Malfoy says. "Shut up!" She tells him. "I swear Mr.Filch I was just coming from the library. I was in the library and lost track of time studying." She tells McGonagall. "Well unfortunately you were also out after hours so you will join your brother in detention."  She says. "Tomorrow at 6:30 you will meet Hagrid by the edge of the forest. He has some tasks for you." Filch says smiling. "Now off to bed." McGonagall says walking out I sigh and me, Ron, and Hermione head back to the Gryffindor dorms. "See you tomorrow 'Mione." We tell her heading to our room.
Delena's P.O.V

" Aye' I don't believe we've officially met I be Hagrid!" He says holding his hand out for me too shake. "Delena! It's very nice to meet you Hagrid." I say unlike my brother I use my manners. "Well we best be heading into the forest!" He says and I smile. "The forest? I thought that was a joke?" Draco says. "Scared?"I ask and he shakes his head. "I have to be strong because I know you're scared!" He says and I roll my eyes following Hagrid while the other four stand behind I turn to face them. "Are you coming?" I ask and they step forward. I turn back to follow Hagrid into the forest and start walking after him eventually he stops and points. "What is that?" I ask looking at the big white lump in the clearing. "Is that a unicorn?" I ask and he nods I turn and bury my face in Harry's chest so I don't have to look. "That's what we're in here to find out you three. Malfoy, Harry, and Delena y'all go that way and look for any more. If you find anything shoot green Sparks into the air, if you have a problem shoot red into the air got it?" He asks and we nod. "Woah wait if they go with you then we get the dog!" Draco says and I cough. "Wimp!" I say. "Fine but he's a big scaredy cat." He says walking off with Hermione and Ron as we head in the other direction. "Just wait until father hears about what he's got us doing." Draco says. "Father this, father that Father isn't here he can't fix all your problems Draco MAN UP!" I say walking ahead of him. "Harry!" I say stopping putting my hand out in front of them. I am facing what I suppose is a person drinking from something it looks up at us and Harry grabs my hand? It makes it's way towards us and I take out my wand pointing it too the sky shooting red spark in the air. A centaur jumps out of no where and chases him, her, it whatever off. "These parts are not safe for you Harry Potter and friend." He says. "Why was it drinking the blood of a unicorn?" I ask Harry still holding my hand. "The blood of a unicorn can keep you alive even when you're a inch from death but at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure that from the moment it touches your lips you're cursed." He says. "Frenzy thank Yee very much for helping these two." Hagrid says. " Get them out of here Hagrid the others are already unpleased with you." He says and runs off. "Hagrid we should leave." Hermione says and we were off out of the forest

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