Chapter 12: Gilderoy Lockhart

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"Good morning class. I am Gilderoy Lockhart and I will be your defense against the dark arts teacher. I'm sure you've already heard of me. You young lady!" He says pointing at me. "What is your name child?" He asks me and Harry looks back at me. "Delena Malfoy!" I tell him. "Have you read any of my books?" He asks me. " No I'm not really a fan." I say. "Come up here!" He tells me and I go up to the front. "I want you too say a spell and shoot it at me so I can deflect it." He tells me. "I'm not so sure that's a good idea." I tell him and he laughs. "Nonsense just do it." He tells me and I shrug. "Okay if you say so." I tell him and he smiles. "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" I yell pointing my wand at him and he freezes and most students clap including Harry. "Aren't you going to unfreeze him?" Harry asks laughing and I shrug. "I don't know he seems better like this he can't talk about himself." I tell him and he laughs along with everyone else. I point my wand at him again "Finite incantatem." I say to unfreeze him. "Great job Ms. Malfoy that was exceptionally brilliant but you need to work on your wrist motions ." He tells me I fake smile. "Yes sir!" I say going back to my spot beside Draco. "Now where going to take a quiz too see how much you know." He says passing out the papers when I look down at my paper I'm utterly confused. All these questions are about him.

When is Gilderoy Lockhart's Birthday? June 29, 1967

What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color? Lavender?
At this point I'm just randomly guessing things
What is Gilderoy Lockhart's biggest ambition? I do not know To rid the world of evil.

After thirty minutes he collects our paper looking through them disappointed. "Y'all really don't know your stuff about this points to Gryffindor for Ms. Hermione Granger knowing my passions." He says and Ron laughs at him.  I know one thing about him. All the boys strongly dislike him. "Professor what does this have too do with defending ourselves all it seems your doing is trying to prove yourself to a bunch of twelve year olds!" I tell him not trying to be rude but I'm getting frustrated. He ignores what I said and looks at the time. "Oh my goodness class dismissed." He tells us running out.

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