Chapter 7: End of Term

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" This evening concludes another great year at Hogwarts and I believe it is time to award the house cup." Professor Dumbledore says and Draco smiles. "In fourth place Gryffindor with 452 points. In third place Hufflepuff with 503
In second Ravenclaw with 587 and in first Slytherin with 612     However  we have some last minute points too award. To Ronald Weasley for the best played game of wizards chess I award fifty points. To Miss Hermione Granger for using her cleverness when get friends were in danger I award fifty points. To Mr. Harry Potter for being brave in a tough situation I award sixty points. And finally standing up to friends is much harder then a for and too Neville Longbottom I award one hundred points." He says and I smile Gryffindor won the house cup and Professor Dumbledore changes the decorations from Green to Red and I smile. "I can't believe they won." Draco sneers and I laugh. "Get over yourself Draco they deserve to win." I tell him. "They don't have Professor Snape giving them free points all the time." I add. "What about Professor Snape?" I hear a low voice say and turn too see Professor Snape. "Nothing sir." I say and he walks off. I turn to look at the Gryffindor table to see Ron looking over here and see him whisper something in Harry's ear causing him too turn and smile at me. I mouth the words congratulations and he mouths thanks back causing me too smile at him. "Delena!" I turn too see Pansy. "What are you doing?" She asks me and I shrug. "Blaise don't you have something you want to ask Delena?" Draco asks. "Ah yes Delena would you like to go out with me?" He asks. "We've been over this Blaise I'm not ready to date and most certainly not you. I'm sorry" I tell him turning back too my food.
The Next Morning

"Delena come on we have too get on the train." Draco says rushing me. When we get on the train Draco and I make our way too a compartment with Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle sitting in it. "Sorry D! No room." Blaise tells me as Draco sits down. "Unless you want to sit on my lap." He says lifting his eyebrows. "Well that's hard too say no too but I think I'll pass." I say closing the door. I start walking down the row to find all compartments are full accept for one. "Is this seat taken?" I ask and Harry looks up. "Not at all please sit." He motions too the seat in front of him. "My brother sat with his friends and there wasn't space for me." I tell him. "Oh hi Delena I didn't know you would be sitting with us." Hermione says sitting down beside me and Ron sitting beside Harry. "I'm sorry for any inconvenience my brother might have caused y'all this year!" I tell them. "You seem to always be apologizing for your brother." Hermione says. "Yes I am he is incapable of apologizing to people. Our father has taught him everything he knows." I tell them and they laugh. After a few hours we pull into Kings Cross Station. When we get off Harry moves towards an older looking man where as Ron moves to a bigger group of redheads. "Pathetic isn't it?" Draco asks standing beside me. "No at least they stick up for each other." I sneer at him and walk over to father. "Hello my children did we win the house cup?" He asks Draco I should be upset he's completely ignoring me but I'm used to it. He always wanted a son but it came with a price he got a daughter as well.  "What about you child have you done anything of importance this year?" He asks. "I learned the body binding charm isn't that right Draco?" I ask smiling at him and he shutters. "Draco was even kind enough too be my test dummy." I say smiling. "We must be going y'all have to get ready for dinner we have friends coming over." He says grabbing us and dragging us off with him.

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