Chapter 13: MUDBLOOD

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" You have to have some spot open." I tell Marcus Flint. "I'm sorry Delena I have no room on the team we have everyone we need." He tells me and I sigh. "Okay!" I say and Draco steps forward. "Delena father already told you know, your a girl anyways we need men." He tells me as we're walking out onto the field. "You sexist pig I could chop all my hair off and wear your clothes but even without doing that I'm more of a man than you are." I say walking backwards facing him and everyone laughing.  When we get out to the field the Gryffindor's are already there. "Well well well look what we have here get off the field Gryffindor's !" Flint says and I roll my eyes.  Ron, Harry, and Hermione smile at me and I smile back. "Are you interested in Quidditch?" Harry asks and I nod. " We have the field today Snape gave us permission to train our new seeker." Marcus says "Slytherin has a new seeker?" Harry asks and Draco steps forward. "Thats right Potter and that's not all that's new!" Draco said and Ron looks at his broom. "That's the Nimbus 2001 how did you get it?" He asks. "They were a gift from Draco's father." Marcus says. "You see Weasley unlike you some family's can afford the best." Draco tells him. "That's enough Draco. You dont want to start something you can't finish." I tell him stepping forward. "At least no one had to buy their way into the Gryffindor team they got in on pure talent." Hermione tells him and he steps forward. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." Draco says and Hermione looks like she's about to cry. "DRACO!" I yell. "Your pay for that!" Ron says pointing his wand at Draco "Eat slugs." He says but his wand blasts him. "RON!" Harry yells running too him and I try but Draco puts his hand out in front of me holding me back until I bit it causing him too step on my foot bone crushingly hard. I push the pain aside and limp over beside Harry and Hermione. "Are you okay?" I ask him as he spits a slug out on my shirt but I ignore it. "I'm fine. " He says spitting up another slug. "Hermione we need to get him to Hagrid." Harry says and Hermione turns to me. "What about her, her foots probably broken." Hermione says. "I'm fine. Go!" I tell them and they run. "Draco please help me?" I ask him in pain. "You should have thought of what would happen before you bit me."  he says walking past me. "Let me help you!" One of the Gryffindor twins says walking over and helping me up. "Thank you. Excuse me but I don't know your name?" I say. "Fred! I'm Fred Weasley and this is my brother George." He says pointing to the boy walking up to us. "Bloody hell Fred what happened?" He asks. "Malfoy crushed her foot!" Fred states and George looks at me weird. "What's your name?" He asks me. "Delena Malfoy. I apologise for Draco insulting y'all and Hermione." I tell them and George looks confused. "What happened?" He asks. "Malfoy called Hermione a Mudblood, insulted dad, and he crushed her foot because she bit him while holding her back from helping Harry and Hermione with Ron and when she asked him for help he ignored it and made some stupid comment." Fred says as we continue walking finally getting to the infirmary. "What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asks. "It's a long story!" I tell her and she looks around the room. "I got time." She says. "Thank you for helping me Fred. If there's anything I can do for you please let me know." I tell him. "It was nice meeting you George." I tell them and Madam Pomfrey shoo them out getting to work on my foot.

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