Chapter 21: Fourth Year

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" Delena!" I turn to see Blaise coming towards me and fake smile. "Yes?" We have an empty spot in our compartment if you want it." He says and I look down the compartment and see Harry making googly eyes at Cho Chang. I sigh "Yeah that sounds great!" I tell him. "Give me a moment I need to do something real quick!" I tell him and he nods going back to the compartment and I go in the direction of the bathroom. "Hey Delena!" I hear two voices say I. turn to see Fred and George. "Come sit with us!" They tell me and I smile running too their compartment. "If it isn't the Slytherin Queen." Fred jokes. "I prefer the term princess." I joke and they laugh. "Our apologies your highness ." George says. "Shut up!" I say laughing. Over last year Harry was going through something so I respected it and I kept distance from him I realized soon after the kiss that I liked him maybe more. "Princess?" George says. "You dreaming of Harry again?" He asks batting his eyelashes. "No!" I retort and they stare at me. "What you creeps!" I say causing them to laugh and hopefully forget about the Harry thing. "I have to go I promised my brother and his friends I'd sit with them." I tell them walking out and too my brothers compartment sitting down. "Hey sis!" He says and I smile. "Hey!" I say ignoring my brain and I just give up closing my eyes falling asleep. "Delena wake up!" I open my eyes to see Draco. "Hey, sorry I wasn't trying to fall asleep on you Dray!" I tell him as me and Harry grew apart Draco and I grew closer we still talk alot. "Come on Blaise and the others are waiting outside." He tells me and I follow him outside to the carriages. "Hello Harry!" I say to him and he smiles and turns away. "Stay away from that bloody git. What happened to him being in love with you?" Draco asks. "I don't know but I'm not focusing on that this year." I tell him and turn towards another carriage where Draco's friends were sitting. "Hi beautiful!" Blaise says and I roll my eyes. "We're not dating Blaise." I tell him sitting by Draco him slinging his arm around me. "Yeah no one's dating my sister." Draco says. The carriage pulls us off in the direction of the school.
The Great Hall

"SILENCE! Welcome back to another great year at Hogwarts but this year we will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. A very dangerous event full of deathifying tasks. But we do not want you to be hurt so you must be seventeen years of age to join!" Professor Dumbledore says "Here to tell us more about it is Mr Bartimus Crouch " he adds stepping down.

 But we do not want you to be hurt so you must be seventeen years of age to join!" Professor Dumbledore says "Here to tell us more about it is Mr Bartimus Crouch " he adds stepping down

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"In order to enter the Tournament you must put your name in the Goblet of Fire. Next Thursday we will find out who has been chosen." He says sitting down. I have a bad feeling about this year.

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