A Mockingjay's Journey

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~ Chapter 1~

~Katniss POV~

It's been a year since the war ended. Panem is at peace, finally. After the war, all the people had to pitch in and help clean up the districts and the Capitol. Our country came together and helped each other and it was really beautiful. District 13 still remains mostly underground but they are beginning to build above ground too. They have nothing to fear anymore and neither do I. District 12 was also reconstructed since the bombings had left the district in ashes. Every house was rebuilt and every store, market and garden restored. Even Peeta's beloved bakery was rebuilt.

After the war, I stayed in the Capitol for about a month. I didn't want to be in the Capitol though because the memories of the war and my sisters death haunted me while I was there. The only reason I stayed there was because the doctors in the Capitol were very advanced. I had a serious case of depression and anxiety and was not released to leave until I was treated and stable. I'm still not all the way better, but I'm a lot better than what I was, that's for sure.

The doctors also treated Peeta in the Capitol. They got almost all of the hijacking venom out of him and he rarely has any flashbacks anymore. When he does get them, he usually just stays away and locks himself in his room. He tells me they are very infrequent now and I'm so happy for him.

Now I'm back in District 12 and I couldn't be happier. I live in my house in the Victors Village by myself. My mom is in District 4 working at a huge hospital and I really miss her but I know it's for the best. This house and district just brings back too many memories of Prim and I don't blame her really. Gale is in District 2, I think. We haven't spoken in almost a year and I don't even care anymore to be honest.

So now I usually go hunting on daily basis. After I hunt, I take my game to the hob and give some of it to all of my favorite people in the black market. Even though District 12 is not really poor anymore and people usually always have enough to eat, when they are offered fresh, free food it's hard to turn down.

After that, I usually go back to my house and clean myself up for a bit before I head over to my neighbor's house, aka Peeta's house! This is always my favorite part of my day. I love talking to Peeta and he always makes me feel happier and safe.

Today it's raining so I decide to just skip hunting and just watch television instead. I walk down the stairs into my quiet kitchen and pour myself a giant bowl of cereal and sit down in front of the television for awhile. After I eat, I decide to get a shower. I walk up to my room and into my bathroom. I undress and undo my braid before I step into my shower. The warm water feels so good on my muscles which are always sore from the previous days activities. Since I'm not training for a war or games anymore I try to exercise everyday to stay in shape. I hate it but its necessary so I just get through it.

I get out of the shower and dress in some sweat pants and an old tshirt, that I'm pretty sure is Peeta's, and rebraid my damp hair. I look out the window to see that its still drizzling out but its not a down pour, so I decide to walk over to Peeta's house.

I walk through my yard and onto Peeta's porch. When a I get the door I knock lightly on it knowing that Peeta is usually downstairs and can hear it pretty well. No one answers. I knock again, harder, and am relived when I hear footsteps approching the door. When the door opens I'm greeted by Peeta's lovely, piercing blue eyes. He looks shocked and his face blushes and I start to wonder why when I see an unfamiliar face peak through the doorway over Peeta's shoulder. Its a girl with glowing gold hair and big brown eyes who looks very familiar but unfamiliar at the same time.

"Umm hello Katniss..." Peeta says.

"Hello Peeta...and may I ask who this is?" I say gesturing to the pretty girl who is looking from me to Peeta with a very confused look on her face.

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