Chapter 23

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~Katniss POV~

I wake up and am surprised to see that Peeta is next to me. I am even more surprised to see that it's light out. I thought for sure it would be about 10 p.m. when I woke up. I quietly turn over and see that the clock on my bedside table reads 8:33 a.m. Gosh, I must've slept through the night. I get out of bed trying not to wake up Peeta and it actually works for once. I go over to my dresser and pull out a pair of shorts and a tshirt and quickly change.

Once I get downstairs, I grab a banana to eat on my way into town. I write a short note to Peeta that I was going to go hunting and trading in the hob and will be back by 1. I braid my hair quickly and slide on some tennis shoes and start my walk into town. On my way I don't pass any people and am really grateful because I'm just in the mood to be alone. I pass the mayors house and the "upper class" section of district 12. I never thought that I would live on this side of 12. It would've been different to earn my money and be able to afford a nicer home but the way I got to live here was out of pity. They felt bad for the victors and gave them all of this money. The deal was like yeah we are going to give you almost an impossible chance of surviving and then, if you do survive you will be so screwed up and sad but you know here is some money to ease the pain. It just doesn't work that way.

I finally make my way into the middle of town and walk up to the door of Peeta's old bakery. I take out the key to the bakery door that I found in one of our kitchen drawers by chance, and slowly open the door. Even though the bakery was rebuilt on the outside, the inside was bare and the bakery had never been reopened. I know that Peeta misses this bakery and would love to have it up and running again. He wouldn't even have to work here all the time! We could hire employees that would work here and Peeta could come

and go as he pleases.

I take one last look at the place and decide to head to the districts hardware store. I find a soft orange colored paint and a sky blue colored paint and put them in my cart. I find some brushes and rollers and decide that while I'm here I will order all of the ovens, counters and display cases that are always in bakery's. Once I'm finally done, I head back to the bakery and start to paint. I get about two walls done and decide to call it quits for the day since it's already about 1pm and start my journey back to the victors village.

~Peeta POV~

I wake up and am startled to see that it's already 10am. I never usually sleep in this late. I decide that it must be because I'm used to Captiol time now and proceed to wake up as I usually do. I change into some jeans and a soft blue tshirt and make my way into the kitchen. I immediately realize that Katniss isn't here and a sudden panicking feeling rises inside my chest. I frantically look around the bottom floor of our house yelling "Katniss?! Katniss where are you?!" When I finally see the little note that she left I exhale out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding and relief floods over me. I check the clock and see that it's only 10:15am. That gives me plenty of time to go out and pick out fruit and vegetables from our garden, make some sandwiches and pack it all up so we can go on a picnic.

I decide to get to work right away just to keep busy and not let myself worry about Katniss. Even when she says she is only going hunting and to the hob, I start to worry. Ever since the last hunger games, I hate letting her out of my sight. I love her so much and don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to her.


Sorry boring chapter :( and I'm sorry that I haven updated in a while! I feel terrible! To be honest I don't even know why I haven't updated! Lol I think I just kind of forgot about this oops! But don't worry! I will try not to forget again! Haha thanks so much for reading! (: it means a bunch!!! ~Jordan

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