Chapter 5

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~Chapter 5~

~Katniss POV~

Once we get back to the Victors Villiage, a sudden drowsiness washes over me. As we stop in front of my houses' sidewalk I give Peeta a giant hug and a small kiss on the cheek and tell him that I want to take a nap and relax and that I will be over for dinner. He just nods and hugs me tighter.

"See you later Katniss," he says releasing me and turning on his heels and heading home.

I watch him walk for awhile and then I start to walk to my own home. Once I open the door, I hear the pitter patter of little, delicate paws approaching me. And bend down and give Buttercup a little pet before proceeding to take off my jacket and shoes. After the war, District 13 had Buttercup flown over to 12 after I requested it. Even though I have never been too fond of the cat, he is all that I have left of my sister and he legacy. He reminds me of happy memories that I had with my sister, and I'm so grateful to have Buttercup around. He makes me feel a lot less lonely, even though I can go and talk to Haymitch and Peeta whenever I would like to.

I break out of my thought and begin to climb the steps. I into my bedroom and change into comfy sweatpants and a soft tshirt, and climb into bed. I fall instantly into a nightmare free sleep and it is wonderful.

~Peeta POV~

The minute after Katniss and I go into our seperate houses, I begin to miss her. As I sit on my couch watching Cesar Flickerman do an interview with Johanna Mason, I suddenly feel very lonely. I decide to walk over and visit Haymitch for a bit since Katniss won't be over until about another two hours for dinner.

I walk the short distance from my house to Haymitch's house and knock on the door. I eventually hear footsteps approaching the door and then the door opens and I see Haymitch's face starring back at mine. And the odd thing is that he actually seems sober and doesn't reek of alcohol. He gestures for me to enter the house and I step past him into his foyer. As u eye his house, I find it to be surprisingly clean and fresh smelling, nothing like how Haymitch's house usually is like. I follow Haymitch into his living room and take a seat across from him in the couch.

"So bread boy, why have you do you seek my presence this lovely evening?" He asks.

"Can't I just visit my friend? Does there always have to be a reason? Maybe I just wanted to chat and hang out for awhile," I reply.

Haymitch chuckles and says, "Peeta, you aren't like Katniss who just does things just to be doing something. You always have a purpose."

I sign and nod my head, somewhat in agreement and admit, "Okay you're right. I was feeling lonely and I actually do have something to discuss with you."

"And what is that?" Asks Haymitch raising his eyebrows.

I let out another sigh and say, "Well, it's about Katniss. Her and I went out on a date today and I really enjoyed it. I'm so in love with her and I always have been and always will be. I'm just worried about her though. She's always do tired and sad and I just don't know how to cheer her up. I don't know why I'm telling you this since you aren't really the best at relationships and advice but I just really think Katniss needs help that I just can't provide."

Haymitch just glares at me and I raise my eyebrows in question. Finally he speaks up and says,"Peeta, you are seriously the best thing that has ever happened to her. When she is around you, her eyes light up. I know you are meant to be and I know that you are the key to her happiness. Even though you feel like you are not helping her enough, just keep trying your best. Just give her some time I adjust Peeta. You know her best, just keep doing what you're doing."

"Thanks Haymitch. I just really hope that she gets better soon. I miss the old Katniss," I say with a slight smile on my face.

"I'm sure she will." Answers Haymitch.

And with that we both stand up, shake hands, and I start to head home. Before I go home, I decide to go into town and get food to make a gourmet dinner fit for a queen, because after all I'm having dinner with Katniss and she is my queen. Tonight has to be perfect.

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