Chapter 11

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~Chapter 11~

~Katniss POV~

When we get to the hotel it's about five in the afternoon. Effie shows us out rooms and when I find out that Peeta and I cannot share a room again. I about throw a fit and Peeta has to calm me down. I decide to go and take a nap until dinner.

I wake up to someone pounding on my door. I lazily get up and open the door to find a surprisingly sober Haymitch. "C'mon sweetheart it's time for dinner. Why don't you ummm get cleaned up? Hurry up. Effie is getting impatient. Imagine that. Okay but really hurry up." He says quickly and shuts the door in my face. I roll my eyes and turn around and start searching for an outfit. I slip on a fresh tshirt and jeans and redo my braid.

After I'm decent I walk downstairs and find a lamb stew dinner waiting for me. Even though Peeta is an excellent cook and makes an awesome lamb stew, nothing can beat the lamb stew here in the Capitol. So far, it's the best thing that has happened on this trip.

We eat silently and I'm about to excuse myself so I can go back to bed, when we hear a knock at the door. Since I'm the first one done, I hop up and walk to the door. I open it and find the smiling face of Johanna Mason standing on the other side of the door. I let out and excited squeak and pull her into a giant bear hug!

"Johanna!!! Oh my gosh it's been forever! How have you been?!" I ask really excitedly.

"I've been really good actually! And what about you? You and Peeta are a thing now right?" She asks winking.

I blush and laugh a little embarrassed. I hope the people in the dining room can't hear us. "I..we..umm yeah!" I stutter.

She just laughs and starts to walk into the dinning room. They all greet Johanna and we sit down in the living room and catch up for a couple hours. Once it's about ten o clock Johanna announces that she has to go so I get up and follow her to the door.

"So I heard you're going shopping tomorrow?! Can I come with?" She asks me.

"Sure! Of course!" I respond. We hug and then Johanna turns and walks out the door. I'm now really excited for tomorrow since I get to hang out with Johanna. I've never really had friends who were well... girls and it will be a nice change for once!

When I return to the living room I find it to be mostly empty except for Peeta sitting on the couch alone. I walk over and sit down close to him and immediately he pulls me over to him and snuggles close.

"What did Johanna have to say?" He asks me smiling.

"She wanted to tag along when me and Effie go shopping tomorrow!" I reply really excited.

"That's awesome Katniss. I'm so happy you are making friends again." He says. At that I smile and for the first time in a long time, I kiss him first. At first he seems shocked but then his lips soften up and he begins to kiss me back. We kiss and hug and just enjoy each other's company when finally Effie tells us we need to go to bed because tomorrow is going to be a big big day. I kiss and hug Peeta one last time and then I run to my room and fall right to sleep.

I wake up at about midnight and am shocked when I notice Peeta isn't next to me. I'm start to freak out when I remember that he is safe and in his own room. Without Peeta I just don't feel safe.

So I get out of bed and slowly open my door. I creep my way down the hallway to Peeta's bedroom. I check to knob and find it unlocked. I open it and find Peeta lying in his bed sound asleep. I tip toe over to his bed side after soundlessly closing the door. Even when he is alone he sleeps on the right hand edge of the bed so I climb into the empty space on the left side. I see his eyes just barely open and a hint of a smile forms on his face. He puts his arm around me and I scoot closer to him. I eventually fall asleep wrapped in Peeta's embrace. What a night.

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