Chapter 21

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~Chapter 21~

~Katniss POV~

We finally get to the party and I instantly hate it. Even though the rebels managed to win the war and give the people in the districts a better life, the nature of the Captiol hasn't changed. The culture here is very much the same as it had been when President Snow was still alive and ruling. The best part about the party is that it is outdoors. The backyard of the President's Palace is absolutely stunning. There are countless round tables randomly set up. In the middle of each table are elaborate flower arrangements. They are filled with daisies, roses, tulips and grasses. The tables are also all set with sterling silverware. There is a stage set up with a orchestra band playing.

The food table is also wonderful. There is every type of chocolate and candy in the world set out. For lunch I see that we are having salads and some type of fancy steak dish. Even though the food, venue and decorations for the party are amazing, I still don't care for the party because of the people. Every person that comes up to Peeta and I are so fake acting and boring. They are constantly complementing us and asking how we are doing. Some even ask about the games. When I think about how I'm doing and the games it just automatically makes me sad. Even though my life is going perfect right now, I'm haunted by my memories. I will always be haunted by them and when people ask about the games, the memories resurface.

After lunch, which was amazing by the way, Peeta and I were approached by a random person at the party. Like the rest of the people we talked to, she commented on how darling Peeta and I look and how happy she is that we are engaged. I thank her and am about to turn around when she starts saying something again "So Katniss. I'm the writer for the Captiol People Magazine and I was going to write an article about your life after the war. So I have a couple of questions that I would love to ask you! Would you mind?" She chirps in an accent similar to Effie's.

I swallow hard and look at Peeta's worried face. I answer, "Um sure. I'll answer a couple of questions."

Peeta looks concerned and stutters, "Katniss you know you don't have to-"

"No Peeta its okay, I want to." I assure him. He knows by the look on my face that I don't want to but I just don't want him worrying about me.

"Okay. My first question is where do you two plan on getting married and how soon?" Says the lady.

"Hmm well we haven't really discussed where we are going to get married but I believe it will be relatively soon." I say with a smile. Okay that question wasn't too bad. The lady seemed to have pulled a tablet out of no where and was typing in my answer word for word.

"Okay next question!" She exclaims, "So as we have all been informed, your sister died during the war. How have you been-"

I don't even hear the rest of the question. I am running full speed from the table and party and back into the President's mansion. I open the door and look around to find myself in a big corridor. With tears making my vision blurry I find a door and quickly open it. I shut the door behind me and fall to the floor hugging my knees to my chest and rock myself back and forth until the tears stop and I am just in a daze.

~Peeta POV~

I hate that stupid lady. That was totally uncalled for. I give her a cutting look and quickly dash after Katniss. I can't run as fast as her because of my leg and I quickly lose track of her in the crowd. I see a blue figure stepping into the house and quickly realize that was Katniss and follow her inside. Once I reach the inside of the mansion, I see no sight of Katniss. I start to open all of the doors and on my third try I see a girl in a blue dress with tear stains sitting on the ground rocking back and forth.

I quickly sit down and lift Katniss in my lap and we sit there for the rest of the afternoon. It turns out we were in a spare bedroom in the mansion so we were not disturbing anyone.

Hours pass and Katniss falls asleep in my arms. Eventually I wake her and tell her that I think the party is over and we should find Effie and head back to the hotel. Katniss just nods and I help her get on her feet. Her makeup has run all over her face and she just looks like a complete mess. I wipe her cheek clear of the makeup and kiss her forehead and give her on last hug before we go back out into the hallway. It turns out that Effie and Haymitch were waiting for us in the foyer of the mansion. We all go to the limo which quickly takes us back to the hotel.

Once we are back at the jolt Katniss goes to her room to clean up and get pack her things for the trip back home. I quickly fill Effie and Haymitch in on what happened and also go and pack my clothes up. Since Katniss had a breakdown and wants to go home as soon as possible, we decided to just leave tonight.

Once in finished packing I go over to Katniss' room and knock lightly on the door. She quickly opens it and a small smile forms on her face. "Hello gorgeous. Are you almost ready?" I ask smiling. She just nods and I step inside her room. I grab one her suitcase and she gets her other bags and we silently make our way down the stairs.

We pack the car up with all of our luggage and make our way to the train station. I'm so happy to be finally leaving the Capitol and going back to 12. Our lives will finally return to normal and everything will be right again. I smile at the thought.

We arrive at the train station and the workers take our luggage to the train. I take Katniss' hand and we walk into the train. We are both exhasted so we decide to go ahead and go to sleep. By this time tomorrow we will be home.


Okay sorry for the boring ending to the chapter but I'm kinda having writers block! Haha don't worry though I have all kinds of things planned for the rest of the story!(: thanks soooo much for reading!!!! I seriously cannot even express how thankful I am!!!(: ~Jordan

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