Chapter 15

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~Chapter 15~

~Katniss POV~

I wake up the next day to white light pouring into my room through the giant window. I slide out of bed and start to make my way down stairs for breakfast.

Effie, Haymitch, Peeta and the prep teams are already eating. I sit down in a seat right next to Peeta and load my plate with bacon, pancakes and fruit. The Capitol food is all amazing. The food has definitely been the best part of the trip so far.

"Good morning Katniss. Today after breakfast your prep team is going to get you ready for today. We are going into town for your signing," Effie chirps.

I just nod and continue eating my food. When Peeta and I finish, we walk hand in hand up the steps. He gives me a light kiss on my forehead and pulls me into a gentle hug. "See you soon," he whispers in my ear. The he gives me a kiss on the cheek and returns to his room.

When I open the door to my own room, I'm quickly swooped into my bathroom. My prep team then provides to wash my hair, face and body. Once I'm all clean, they begin to work

on my makeup. They put on a silver eye shadow and fake eyelashes that have small crystals woven into them. They add eyeliner, foundation, blush and lipstick and my face is finished.

They decide to style my hair in a low side bun. They twist it into a bun and then secure it with bobby pins. They also put sparkles in my hair. After they add a few finishing touches, they lead me back to my bedroom. My outfit for the signing is lying on my bed. It's a simple white chiffon top paired with a high wasted black skirt. On the bottom hem of the skirt, little flames are sparkling on the fabric.

"We inspired this outfit by the works of Cinna, if you couldn't tell," Whispers Octavia, her eyes filling with tears.

"Thank you," I say back giving her a hug. I pull on the skirt and tuck my shirt in. I slip on a pair of red high heels and thank my prep team. After we say goodbye, I head downstairs.

~Peeta POV~

When I hear someone coming down the stairs I glance up and see that its Katniss. She looks absolutely beautiful. Her face is glowing and her hair is perfect. I love when her prep team giver her a more natural look. It suits her better.

When she sees me staring at her she blushes and so do I. I smile and she smiles and jogs over to me and hugs me super tight. I lift her up and spin her. I'm about to give her a kiss when I hear Effie clear her throat behind us.

"Okay it's time to go!" She chirps.

I look at Katniss and roll my eyes and she just laughs. She's been doing a lot better on this trip then I thought she would. I'm reminded again of how strong she is. She's been through the same things as I have been through and that makes me grateful and sad at the same time. She is the only person who understands me and I can understand her, but no one should've had to go through what we went through.

As we climb into our waiting car, I can feel the ring burning a hole in my pocket. Tonight is the night I will propose to the love of my life. I have a rooftop dinner planned and it's going to be magical. I really hope she says yes. If not, that will be really embarrassing. I try to forget about tonight and refocus on our task at hand. It's going to be so weird to sign and meet all of these people who love us. I don't understand why we are celebrities. I mean, Katniss and I are just regular people. Well, maybe we aren't totally normal, but after the war ended I thought that people would just leave us alone and forget about us. Boy was I wrong. The people can't get enough of us.

We drive through the Capitol for about thirty minutes until we finally reach the city square. Our car pulls up behind a big stage and we proceed to exit the car and walk up to the stage. We are instructed to stay behind a curtain until they are ready for us to go out there. All of the sudden we hear our names being announced and one of the stage crew members motions us onto the stage. The view from on stage is shocking.lo

~Katniss POV~

Once we stepped out in stage it felt like there were twenty spot lights on Peeta and I at once. All you could see for what looked like a mile was people huddled together just waiting in line to see us. The camera flashes finally began to slow down. They brought us microphones and we introduced ourselves and said hello. Then we say behind a long table and groups of people were being let onto the stage.

We signed for what felt like hours. My hand began to grow numb and I noticed that the line was growing very small. I smiled and turned to Peeta and said,"I seriously cannot feel my hand."

"Yeah same here! Looks like we are almost finished though!" He said. He sounded happy but the look on his face looked scared and anxious. What is up with him?

I push the thought to the back of my mind as the last group of fans make their way onto the stage. After we are completely done, we are whisked off the stage and almost shoved back into the car. Effie is really happy with out performance. All I can think about is being able to go back to the hotel and rest.


Okay so the story is finally starting to get going!!! I cannot wait ahh!(: thanks so much for reading guys!!! ~Jordan

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