Chapter 10

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~Chapter 10~

~Katniss POV~

We make it to the train just in time. Haymitch was a little hungover today so he went immediately to his room when we got on the train. Peeta and I sat in the living room car and caught up with Effie for awhile. She talked about our schedule for the week and what things we need to do to prepare. Right when we get to the Capitol, we are going straight to the hotel. Then the next day is a resting day where my prep team will fix me up. Effie is going to take me shopping so I can get some suitable clothes for the trip. The next day is a signing and then the next day is an interview with Ceaser. After that we have another day off and then to end to week we have to go to a party.

I'm grateful for the busy schedule because it will keep me occupied and stop me from thinking about all the bad memories that the Capitol reminds me of. I'm also grateful because the trip isn't going to take near as long as I thought it would!

After Effie finishes talking to is, she shows me and Peeta out rooms and tells us to get some rest. I can't believe that they are making me and Peeta sleep in separate rooms. Without Peeta there with me, I always have terrible dreams. I just reluctantly give Peeta one last hug and walk into my room. I slip on some pajamas and fall right onto the bed. Within minutes I fall into a restless sleep.

(Italics are dreams)

I look around me and notice that I'm standing in the middle of a room. It's all white and all that is in it is a bed. I recognize this room as the room that Peeta was held in when he was brought back to District 13. When he was still hijacked. I shudder when I see a pair of all black eyes stark at me from across the room. Peeta is standing right next to the bare bed and is watching me.

"Um Peeta?" I ask, my voice wavering a little.

"Shut up. You're a mutt. Don't talk to me," he says as his voice gets louder and his face gets redder.

"Peeta is me! It's Katniss! Peeta look at me! I love you! Stop this!" I scream at him.

"No you're a mutt, and you must die," he says in a monotone voice. He then launches himself at me and suddenly is holding a dagger. I'm screaming for help and he is about to plunge the dagger into my chest when the dream evaporates.

I wake up drenched in sweat and in mid scream. Immediately I hear my door opening and quick footsteps coming near me. My breathing is heavy and I'm freaking out when all of the sudden I hear a familiar voice and feel familiar hand touch my shoulder.

I look up and see that Peeta has come into my room. I relax a little bit and start to shake. He picks me up and scoots me over before sliding into bed next to me. He wraps one arm around me and stokes my hair with the other. I just rest my head on his chest and start to fall asleep listening to his heart beat. He doesn't ask me about my dream and I don't feel like talking about it. This time when I fall asleep it's peaceful and free of dreams.

~Peeta POV~

I wake up and suddenly remember that I am in Katniss's room. I try not to move but I wake her up anyways. She smiles at me and I give her a soft kiss. We sit there for awhile just enjoying each others company. Last night was a rough night. I wan woken up by terrible screams and immediately realized it was Katniss. I ran into her room and saw that she was just having a bad dream. I comforted her and then we both fell into a deep sleep. Hopefully today will be better.

I tell Katniss that I am going to get breakfast. We both get up and start to walk to the dining car. It's filled with all different kinds of breakfast foods. Pastries, waffles, pancakes, sausage, bacon, potatoes and these things that they call omelets are lined up in a giant buffet. Me and Katniss fill our plates and begin to devour out breakfast.

While eating, Effie shows up and also starts to eat and tells us our schedules for today. "We should be arriving in the Capitol in about an hour. You two need to get cleaned up and put something nice on so that you look presentable during the ride to the hotel." She says.bMe and Katniss just nod.

When we are done eating, me and Katniss go to our seperate rooms to get showers. Our rooms are right next door and I can hear Katniss singing in her shower. She sounds so beautiful. I love when she sings. She doesn't think she is very good but I think she is.

After we are done getting ready and we arrive at the Capitol, I look out the window. The station is swarming with people shouting and screaming. Many people hold signs that say things like "I love you Girl on Fire" and "I heart the star crossed lovers from District 12." It's weird but for some reason It makes me smile. Katniss just rolls her eyes and we walk hand in hand to the door.

"You ready?" I ask her as the door opens.

"Of course." She replies with a small smirk.

We walk out into the station and are greeted by our screeching fans. We begin start to walk to the car that is waiting for us at the bottom of the steps. Katniss and I give one last wave before getting into the car. She lets out a sigh of relief and I just laugh at her.

" Nice job you two," chirps Effie from the front seat of the car,"This week is going to be so much fun!"

Katniss and I just give each other a 'yeah right' look and chuckle. Even though Katniss wasn't very excited about this trip and the fact that we had to go to the Capitol I am going to make sure she has a good time. I have some ideas in mind and one in particular is making me very nervous and excited at the same time. This is going to be the best trip ever.


Cliffhanger! Sorta haha! Well sorry for this kinda short and boring chapter): the next few will be better I promise! Haha anyways thanks for reading! Give feedback and vote!(: ~Jordan~

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