Chapter 19

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~Chapter 19~

~Peeta POV~

Katniss never shows up for breakfast. I know not to worry about her through. After she stormed off to her room after her argument with her mother I knew that she would be gone today. She used to have these days more often. Back when we had just returned home and were trying to get back to normal, she would sometimes just sleep all day and never go out in public. Today was one of those days.

Instead of going up to check on Katniss, I decide to write her a letter. When she wakes up later or tomorrow she will be able to read it and it will hopefully make her happy or something. I don't really know because I still don't understand women but writing her a letter is worth a shot.

After about an hour of thinking and writing, I manage to compose a somewhat quality letter. I sneak upstairs and quietly as possible open Katniss' door. She's sound asleep on her bed. She's still wearing her pajamas and her hair is all a mess. I want to just curl up in bed with her but I don't want to wake her or disturb her. So instead I just set the letter on her bedside table and slowly back out of the room.

"I love you Katniss," I whisper and shut the door soundlessly.

~Katniss POV~

I wake up and see that it's almost noon. I hear stirring in my room and by the footsteps I can tell its Peeta. I always can tell when he is trying to walk soundless but fails because of his prosthetic leg.

I hear him set something on my bedside table and slowly walk out of the room and shut my door. He knows not to disturb me on days where I'm gone but since it was Peeta doing the disturbing I don't really care.

I slowly sit up and pick up the sheet of paper that Peeta has set beside my bed. I unfold it and find that it is a letter. It reads:

Dear Fiancé,

I just wanted to write this letter to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. Yes this is a love letter and yes it is cheesy but here we go. I love that you are always there for me and will help me get through anything. I love how your hair is always perfect and always smells like flowers. Your eyes are the most amazing eyes I have ever seen and your personality is flawless. Even though you are gone today, I just wanted to remind you that I love you so much and am always here for you no matter what. If you need me, you know where to find me! I love you so much. Words cannot even describe my feelings for you.


Peeta, the boy with the bread

I gently place the paper back where Peeta had set it. Then in one smooth motion I jump out of bed and start running down the steps. I spot Peeta sitting on the couch watching television and I take off in a dead sprint to him. He hears me coming at him and stands up quickly with a confused and worried look on his face. I hesitate for just a second and kiss him with all I have. In a matter of a second he is kissing me back. We fall onto the couch and just keep making out for minutes but it feels like hours.

We finally break apart when we hear Effie coming down the stairs. We straighten ourselves out just as Effie enters the living room. "Well Katniss, it's nice that you decided to finally get out of bed," Effie says. I give her a look that shows I'm not amused and Effie turns on her heel and sashays out of the room. Peeta starts laughing and I give him a playful shove. We spend the rest of the day watching movies and eating.

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