Chapter 2

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~Chapter 2~

~Katniss POV~

As I look closer at Peeta I notice that his hair is all messed up and there are lipstick smears all over his face. He must've seen the look on my face because he takes a step towards me.

"Katniss...wait!" He shouts,but it's too late. I'm already across the yard and heading through the door to my own house. I shut the door and bolt upstairs and collapse in a heap of tears and sobs on my bed.

I don't know why I am so upset. Its not like me and Peeta were exclusively a couple or anything but I definitely had feelings for him and I though he had feelings for me...but I guess I thought wrong.

I fall into a light, dreamless sleep and am awoken by a pounding on my door. I turn my head and see that the clock reads 8 o'clock. Great. Now I will never be able to sleep tonight.

So I get up and head down the steps. I open the door to see that it's pouring down rain outside and that the person who had knocked on my door was a soaking wet Peeta.

"Peeta what are you doing he.."

"Katniss it wasn't what you think!" He interrupts.

"Well what was am I supposed to think Peeta?" I retort.

"Well umm.. I don't know! Why do you even care anyways? Do you.. ya know... like um have feelings for me or something?" He asks softly.

"I don't know Peeta," I sigh," maybe I thought I did but you obviously don't feel the same way so it's okay...just go."

"No Katniss wait!" He shouts as I'm about to close the door, "just let me explain! Please I promise this is worth the time! Please Katniss."

I can never say no to his pleading blue eyes so I open the door and say, "Sure, come on in."

We go sit down at my kitchen table and I tell Peeta just to start from the beginning.

"Okay Katniss, so it all started when we got back here after the war. We were settling back into our homes and we grew more and more distant. I still had feelings for you. Always have and always will. I just didn't think they were mutual because you didn't eve talk to me except a small hello here and there. So in that time I stated to date that girl you met back there. Her name is Jenna. She's from the Capitol and she moved here when her father moved here to help rebuild 12 and they just never left. I'm so sorry Katniss. We have been getting closer and I've wanted to end it with Jenna lately because she just wasn't the right girl for me but I never had the guts to do it and no time seemed right. Please forgive me katniss!"

I've been staring down at the floor this whole time, unable to look into his pleading eyes. I can't bare to see him so upset. He just layed his heart and this story out to me and I can't even respond. I just shake my head and say, "Of course I can forgive you Peeta. When we got home I just wasn't ready for a relationship it even a friendship but now I'm starting to adjust and get better. But I don't want you to break up with Jenna just because of me! Follow your heart. If you love her, stay with her!" I say as my voice starts to fade and tears sting my eyes.

Peeta just holds my chin up with his fingers making me look into his eyes and says sincerely, "Katniss I only have eyes for you. I love you and have loved you all this time. I explained it all to Jenna and she understood so we are already over. You are the only one I want and I need you Katniss, I can't lose you, not again."

And with that I wrap my arms around him in a tight embrace and he wraps his arms around me and we stay like that for a few minutes until we finally decide to go back to his house and watch a movie.

Please leave me comments and suggestions on here! Thanks so much for reading! Love you guys!(: ~Jordan~

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