Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

~Katniss POV~

During the movie we pop some popcorn and devour it all. The movie wasn't that great but just being with Peeta was enough for me. By then end if the movie we are snuggled up really close to eachother on the couch and I can hear the slow rhythm of Peeta's heart and my eyes lids start to get heavy. Before I know it I'm almost totally asleep when music from the movie credits start to play. I awake with a jolt and Peeta jumps up.

"Katniss are you okay?" He asks a little worriedly.

"Yeah I'm good! I just almost fell asleep. Thanks so much for tonight, I better head home! See you tomorrow?" I ask.

He slowly walks over to me and hugs me tight, "Definitally," he replies. And with that we release our embrace and I put on my shoes and jacket and run back home. I go immediately up to my room and collapse onto my bed and go right to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to bright light streaming through my windows. I can already tell today is going to be fantastic. Yesterday was a little rough, but it definitaly ended well. I get up and put on fresh cloths and walk downstairs. Through all the windows I can see that it's a beautiful spring morning. I turn the corner and head into my kitchen to find a small post it note with something written on it.

Dear Katniss,

Come over to my house this morning for a suprise! Pleasssseeee!



I take the note and slip on my shoes and run straight over to Peeta's house! I'm not much for surprises but this sounded like a good suprise. I knock lightly on the door like usual and I hear fast footsteps coming towards the door. Peeta must be very excited that I got the note! I'm really curious what the surprise is. He opens the door and I find him dressed in a tshirt and jeans. He looks me up and down, shakes his head and says, "Oh man Katniss I must've forgot to write that you need to wear your hunting gear because we are going on a breakfast picnic in the woods!" He gives me a huge smile and I smile back and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before spinning around and running to my house.

I get changed faster than ever and am back on Peeta's front porch within 5 minutes. I don't bother knocking this time and just go right into his house, I mean he obviously came right into my house this morning so no big deal right?

As I step through the door and enter Peeta's house, I see that he has added new painting to his wall of artwork. They are beautiful, vibrant and perfect. One is of his family when he was younger, another is of 12 before it was bombed, before the revolution. The last one I look at is of me. I'm in my dress that I wore after the first hunger games during the interview. He painted perfectly, every detail precise. I hear him come around the corner and I look up and smile at him and say, "Peeta these paintings are absolutely gorgeous!"

"Thanks Katniss! I'm glad you like them." He says putting an arm around my shoulder. I look down to see that he is holding a big picnic basket and blanket.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm so ready!" I reply.

~Peeta POV~

As I stroll through town with Katniss I cannot help but stare at her. She is so perfect and I'm so happy that she and I are advancing in our relationship. She catches me staring at her and starts bushing.

"Why are you staring at me Peeta?!" She says.

"Because your gorgeous and I can't deny myself of the simple pleasure of looking at gorgeous things." I retort.

She just roles her eyes and we keep walking. When we finally make it to the old electric fence we follow it along until we come to the opening in the fence and walk into the meadow. I helped Katniss cut a hole in the wire earlier this spring just so she could have easier access to the woods. Also, it was hard for me and my bum leg to climb through the fence easily and I planned on coming here a lot with Katniss.

We pass through the meadow and are about to go into the woods when all of the sudden Katniss looks up and starts running in a different direction.

Where do you guys think Katniss is going?! Haha please comment and vote!(: thanks so much guys and please keep reading!!! ~Jordan

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